
But but he never stopped to think about whether he SHOULD do it!

Neither rain, nor sleet, nor AutoZone-brand Chinese parts...

Potholes, the most popular street drug in Detroit...

What better way for a tough-guy poser to prove he is tough than to kill the ultimate tough-guy poser, Mr. Zimmerman!  

Ah yes, the preferred choice of middle-aged divorced women everywhere!

Plenty of Trump voters out there....

Some deity is punishing humanity for our sins?

But I pay in scrip that only works in the company store! 

You are a fool if you pay those peasants enough to own a cell phone!

Probably smells better too...

“But most of these cases have occurred in New York—the site of an outbreak among ultra-Orthodox Jews that began in the fall and has been nearly impossible to control.”

“Meaning that, there was a strange, upwards “leap-y” sensation over bumps. Maybe this was Buick’s idea of a luxury ride quality? Unclear.”

“Next up is the potential savings on a 2018 Miata worth the performance sacrifice over getting 2019?”

HA! To be fair, this Nissan is far more rare than the latest mustang (which I did single out as Thomas Kinkade-esque!).

“But it’s still not a sedan”

How did the Joker become the Joker? Mitichlorians.

Do artists get famous for re-painting the Mona Lisa over and over again?

“Also, how much would Jalops be lusting over the Juke and Cube if they had never been sold in the US? “Why don’t we get weird looking Japanese cars?””

If you are going to get a “performance” car, why go the cross-over route?  CP at any price for having no point...

You just know they did it wrong...