
“As I waited for the light to turn, the driver rolled down the passenger window, leaned towards me, and in the quietest voice possible such that I could still hear him amidst the city noise, calmly asserted, “If you touch my car, I will fucking kill you.””

This really should have been the 4/1 NPCP car, since the question of it’s value is a joke: OF COURSE A BROWN MANUAL WAGON IS A NP AT THIS PRICE!

On the other hand, what better way to remember?  What better way to force people to clean their roof (assuming they value using their mirror, of course).

Hey, that’s all normal easy stuff to fix, though.

I NP’d it, but would note that I got a manual 3-series touring in similar condition for only a bit more, so it’s not like this is an earth-shattering deal...

Sad that they are wasting it on drifting.  You can do that with the original engine...

Once a Hyundai, always a Hyundai.  Why bother buying this crap when you can just buy from a company that didn’t have those issues?

That’s like 3k miles per year, tops...

Orlando.  I bet they all have the same accountant...

Mitsubishi: My local dealer runs the same advertisement on the radio every year around tax time, screaming about how his accountant has made an error and that he now has to give you more cash for your trade-in for tax reasons. Every year I ask myself why he just doesn’t get a new accountant, since the guy is obviously

“Profit drives innovation and improvements as companies compete for your money.”

Doesn’t make much sense to wait to electrify cars if people are willing to buy them now.

Obama was on an 8-year “which hunt” against electric buses!

“The few upsides—..., they’re cheap (temporarily, until one company controls the market),”

True, F1 drivers seem to be playing XBox with theirs...

I admit that I support defense contractors the world over using such parts in their missiles!

Hooray, we get to spend money on things that were unnecessary under the agreement that we are now ripping up.  Thanks president moron!


Oh, why anyone would spend such money modifying an FCA product is beyond me...

Cyclist here, I second this!  I love Florida since I can ride year-round, but on the other hand we get the worst drivers from all over the country it seems.