
Neutral: Do Self-Driving Cars Worry You More as a Fellow Driver on the Road, or Pedestrian?”

“And then I thought “the hell with it. I’d rather pay more for one that hasn’t been screwed with.”

I drive a 2005 LS, very nice ride. Bags and those low-pro tires can only ruin it, methinks.  CP

I just googled an image of a NASCAR steering wheel.  Please tell me again how NASCAR possibly compares to F1?

Lots of left turns!

“How any thought they’d get away with nabbing over 60 cars is beyond me.”

He was only in for 17 years, soooo close to making his 20...  Wonder what forced him out?

Jordan clothes mean he isn’t a racist, right?

I feel bad for that kid waterskiing, presumably this numb-nuts’ son?

For drifting?  What a waste...

“Trump is also a liar who lies without thought because that’s what Olympic-level liars do. They lie for sport.”

I thought the Corolla would be competing against the Civic, not the Accord?

That’s opinion man...

“Take that college degree and shove it up your ass, maybe go learn some skills that actually have a demand and can get you paid. “

Well, I for one do not need to see ANY debates for the general election...

Ever since our dumpster-fire president was “elected”, I have become more aware of the awesome dangerous-ness of trash...

“An inverted caliper clamps the rotor from the inside.”

Oh come on, selling your urine to high-school athletes should get you close to $15, right?

Over 96 months, the payments are only $15.35...

I feel so bad for my neighbor who owns one of these things...