Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

who cares, The people who go to twitch for that stuff are not going to just move onto Jo-Smo gamer if they’re interested in boobs, they’re just another demographic

Hey, fair enough.

I have never, in my life, watched a streamer. What I understand of the practice, I’ve gleaned from articles like this and the comments that follow.

I suppose the problem I have here is the idea that a woman who streams must cover up if she happens to be buxom, else she will be termed a “titty

Why not use sex for views? It’s not their fault that it works and is profitable, it’s the consumer’s. It would be like getting upset that the grocery store sells apples. If you don’t want apples, don’t buy apples.

You are definitely the most pathetic out of the three.

Kaceytron has successfully monetized the searing, white-hot ball of pure sexist rage that exists in Gaming Bois, and for that she will *always* have a place in my heart.

Police have told Caviness that she needs to stop streaming on Twitch.

No, but people who feel like “BOOBIES” give other streamers an unfair advantage almost certainly are—and in that case, hell, that’s still blaming the woman for being a woman.

...or do we really expect everyone do dress like a Puritan at all times, lest they take advantage of parts we men do not have?

No, nor would I want her to. I’m happily married.

Defending another person doesn’t automatically equate to “perhaps senpai will notice me.” Sometimes, the shit other people catch is just the result of a bunch of entitled manchildren who haven’t figured out that their feefees aren’t emblematic of reality.

Also, no Democrats have passed laws to outlaw teaching Chicano Studies.

But one side is putting reforms in place to quietly ensure that we have a white ethnostate at any cost. The other side...isn’t.

Posting falsehoods isn’t establishing any credibility in your argument. I mean, if you want to make things up by all means keep doing so, but you’re not swaying any opinions when you make false claims.

There’s a really good podcast that Ezra Klein had this past week with Amy Chua about how we are living in battle over cultural dominance. Ever since Obama was elected and much more before that white people have had to deal with a slipping of cultural dominance. A black president, black lives matter protest, dreamer


People from Slavic countries aren’t “white” either. But I think that is what’s going on: the nouveau white are getting zealous and becoming white supremacists. Partly to cement their white credentials, and partly to usurp the power from WASP white people. Because they are unoriginal and horrible, persecuting Jewish

Many men are, no matter how hard you yawn in defiance.

Some men are. Check out this post. You might be bored, but the rest of us fear the violent and stupid culture of these small dicked, white men who believe this garbage. Oh, do you need your ass wiped and your mommy to tell you that it’s not all men? Fine. You’re special. And sooooo important. And that’s the biggest

You can, but you’re not doing yourself (or your credibility) any favors posting incorrect information.

Men need to be taught the difference between fantasy and reality. We have several generations of men who have been spoon fed ridiculous macho man fantasies of one man taking out hundreds of anonymous ninjas/storm troopers/orcs and it’s so pervasive they believe it. It’s pathetic, but it’s what both Hollywood and the

I work for the billing arm of a lab that does a sizeable percentage of the country’s Western Blot tests, which is a test that can be run for all kinds of things but we use it as a euphemism for herpes tests since that’s the only thing anyone seems to use it for. People FLIP OUT about it, so we have to have a whole

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that in this situation the boyfriend or brother is the aggressor. I don’t know her, I wasn’t there. I just believe, borne out by my personal experience, that in any domestic situation it’s worth taking a breath before assuming the facts.