Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

You know what? Everything doesn’t have to be all “even Steven” -a person can hold a strong view point without being an “extremist” or “bigot”

I’m not going to give him any slack, racist is racist. But even if you’re initially willing to give him slack, when a SHIT TON of people tell you you’re being racist, take the fucking hint, and at least consider that it might be racist. His fucking reaction is the EXACT reaction of an ignorant racist.

if you do not meet in person you are not dating

Make fun of Chinese intelligence agencies all you want, but mocking accents is not the way to do it. Yes, it is racist. And fucking annoying.

You forgot “also because you’re probably racist.” Never underestimate the racism factor.

All the best minds are.

MC Chris (he did quite a few different voices on Aqua Teen Hunger Force and some other Adult Swim shoes) came forward with his story yesterday after reading Brendan’s account.

God forbid, if I were to be involved in something that would warrant the President calling me or me being invited to a Whitehouse visit, I would turn it down. I have no interest in myself or my family associating with him anymore than we already do.

I mean, if push came to shove I’d vote for Oprah over Trump in a heatbeat.

david cross is one of those dudes who’s going to slowly erode all his goodwill by just not shutting up when he should shut up. standing behind his coworker is a totally respectable thing to do, but isn’t there a way to do that without making it a whole new york times piece all about you?

That’s very true. But, then, there’s this, from the linked article:

It’s called a joke, Francis. Fuck off if you can’t discern it.

It literally is illegal for a 12 year old to stream as it violates COPPA. You can’t even register a Twitch account if you’re less than 13.

*sigh* nope, this is not clever and no, you’re not being smart.

No, encouraging the breaking of employment laws and creating a hostile workspace is why he was fired. He could no longer do his job without causing problems.

Damore’s comments were not factual, were directed at a whole protected class of people (women) without any sound reasoning whatsoever, and therefore created a hostile work environment. He deserved to be terminated, as should everyone who similarly creates a hostile work environment.

Why are you on Facebook? Like, at this point, why is anyone not promoting crazy Russian propaganda still on Facebook??

I don’t actively engage with ignorance, but I decided that they go hard with their stupidity, I’m going to go hard with common sense. No one better think I care that I’m preaching. I know it and they can block me, unfollow, or think I’m insane. They weren’t adding anything to my life at this point anyway.

It’s almost as though being a teacher and modding things for a game community are both completely unrelated to each other and not funded at all the same way. It’s as though this comparison is completely irrelevant! Who would have thought!

I think you might need some of those drugs irl. Just saying.