Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

Well than that’s a shitty attitude.

Your friends tell us who you are, whether you officially “agree” with them or not. There is no benefit of the doubt when one hangs out with Neo-Nazis. It makes you complicit. Being complicit means that you agree, whether you have the guts to stand behind it or not. You hang out with Nazis? You’re a Nazi.

>They actually tried to rehabilitate homosexuals instead of just outright killing them

Trying to “rehabilitate homosexuals” isn’t moral, you fucking Nazi.

Seeing the response to your comment, let me be the first to say how much fake civility types grate on my nerves. Challenge them and watch how quickly that civility act disappears.

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

Of course, hearing an annoying athiest tell you about their athiesm at length is a lot better than the historic Christian example of the same behavior;

I actually was able to figure this out.

It’s not an argument. It’s negging.

Like, maybe this is why she apparently needs an emotional support animal?

If you kill your pets when someone one suggests it, you need help, but not from an animal.

Nope, an ESA is useless if the person has no bond to it and is willing to kill it when it becomes a minor inconvenience. People who genuinely require an ESA to function by and large are extremely bonded to their given animal and killing it is the last thing they’d do.

At what point do we consider the well being of the emotional support animal in this scenario? If someone cannot properly care for or protect their pet they have no business having a pet, therapeutic benefits or not. There are options such as medication and therapy to treat mental illness.

Yes, it was. Mocking a culture through caricatures like this are no different than the Chief Wahoo mascot for the Cleveland Indians.

1. There’s plenty of evidence based on the fact that he feels like he needs to “act out” being Chinese by saying a bunch of jibberish. You’re simply not making a reasonable conclusion given the behavior in front of you.

If his employer feels that him stating those opinions in a public way that they’re facilitating (i.e. streaming) would lead to anyone taking their life, then the decision is less “he’s fired for his opinions” and more “he’s fired for potentially convincing our players and his viewers to kill themselves”.

I get where

are you daft? free speech means the government cannot come after you for your words. it doesn’t, and NEVER HAS protected you, or your job, when you say stupid shit of your own volition. this has been your daily lesson in the first amendment. it doesn’t protect you from anything other than the government.


The same people complaining about participation trophies are the same people who whine like little bitches if they don’t get their way. Which is what led to participation trophies. They never seem to notice the irony.

Celebrating diversity on your teams is smart. It has the potential to get more people interested in your sports, which means more participants and (most importantly) more money to fund training and attract the best of the best. Only a racist butthurt moron wouldn’t get that.

She tries to hard. The little girl act is sliding into a Baby Jane gross territory as she gets older.