Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

I’m sorry, but if you’re the only participant in a race, you don’t ‘win’ anything. To say he ‘won’ the primary is like your dentist congratulating you on winning a toothbrush after your checkup.

If there is a true “rule” about interacting with women (or men) in a dating or hook up context, it’s this. Ask them about themselves, listen with active interest, and provide meaningful and honest responses. Repeat. The most effective way to maintain another persons attention is to let them talk about themselves.

As a woman, the problem with my so-called options is not going to be fixed by making myself more attractive. The problem is that the vast majority of men think they’re entitled to my body and attention and fail to treat women as actual people.

You can say the exact same things about a guy.

I mean, people must have really enjoyed him as the UPS man from Next Friday 😂😂😂 Other Black people need to stop inviting random ass White people into the fold, especially if they don’t have any skin in the game.


If the one and only way you know how to get someone to like you is to follow these guys, then you will die alone.

Those guys have no idea what is attractive to women.

Fuck off with the anti millennial stuff.

Funny thing here, in the original Greek myths, Zeus was also an overly sensitive, melodramatic manchild who lashed out at anyone who questioned his apparently very tenuous masculinity. Also, a huge sexist pig. So, I totally congratulate you on picking a damn near perfect moniker!

It’s implied in the condescending tone of “normalizing casual sex” coupled with isolating men as the ones who are going to “maximize their rate of said sex.”

It’s comes across as “well if we only normalized committed, monogamous sex, men wouldn’t act this way”, which kinda just places the responsibility on the women.

It doesn’t really work to dismiss them as insecure, then end on a defensive statement. By trying to create distance between yourself and that population, you’ve actually brought yourself closer

You could literally Google the search term in the article.

So it’s the women’s fault that these assholes are harassing them?

Oh hey a Not All Men.

How long until kinja is flooded with idiot man-babies who say that it’s all women’s fault because they don’t “date” nice guys?

I don’t envy the women who are out there trying to meet people in this sea of sharks.

You know just because you feel that way, doesnt make it true right? Thats ridiculous lol.

Do you think that the LGBT community might be more overt about racism, perhaps thinking, “We get discriminated against, so we don’t have to be careful about our own shit”?