Becky"Good Hair"Johnston is sick of your shit

It’s ok. I don’t and they aren’t.

Also, the reason people can’t imagine their 12 year old plotting a vicious murder with a co-conspirator is because most 12 year olds (virtually all, really) don’t fucking do that.

Nah, this is like me googling whether or not I can still cook and eat some green bacon i found in the back of my fridge. I know I can’t. I know I shouldn’t. And even if the first three google results tell me “Don’t do it!” I will check the fourth result because at that moment I want bacon more than I care about not

I’m going to respond to “Gary” (how fucking appropriate - of course this guy’s a Gary) in my capacity as a white person, just to clarify for everyone: no white person has ever actually been offended by being called a cracker or hearing someone else being called a cracker. It is 100% feigned, at all times, without

She’s right. This isn’t about being found guilty or innocent in a court of law. Having your work on display is an honor even if it’s your rinky dink school that bestows it. Getting embroiled in a sordid scandal means you aren’t worthy of that honor anymore even if you avoid jail.

They aren’t ruining art because they are choosing not to host it. As for the mural...HS murals get painted over all the time.

How can Free Radical call himself a nerd yet claim that he couldn’t find anything on the subject he asked about? Isolated nerd, my ass. If you claim to love The Root so much, then you already know the answer.

Ima just say it: FreeRadical is full of shit. I went to HS with plenty of his type, he already knew the answer was no but he was just hoping against hope that youd give him some sort of magical scenario in which it would be okay because youre his friend. Because a lot of white people think we value contact with them

The “from” isn’t necessary. Stop turning down applicant over an argument you like to have at parties

No, they’re saying that being arrested/charged for a crime and denied bail is pretty damning. Maybe he is innocent, which we will certainly hear about if that happens. This is why Valve suspended him, and did not fire him outright. But ultimately, what matters is what the court says - not what a bunch of randoms on

Because men.

Exactly. That should’ve been the end of it. Full fucking stop. This whole “maybe we shouldn’t be so hard on guys” thing is ridiculous.

Here’s what you are talking about:

His father really did a number on his self-esteem for him to act like this. He’s insane and trying to claim responsibility for everything positive while blaming anything negative on his “enemies”. We shouldn’t be here, there should have been some kind of check that prevented someone so mentally sick from becoming the

I am a guy, and let me say- OH PLEASE GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK. Guys (and women!!) who act inappropriately need to be called out on it. It may lead to an awkward conversation, but ITS THE GUYS FAULT FOR BEING INAPPROPRIATE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Um, yes. Also, the courts ruled that the young lady in question had to be given right to have an abortion. Yet another example of Republicans flouting the rule of law.

It’s a scare tactic. They get the emails, scour them for something that can be pulled out of context and twisted to imply some sort of conspiracy against conservative students, then shout it from the highest rooftops until the resulting tempest-in-a-teapot forces some professors to resign. This is now a warning to the

My great grandfather was indicted for “allegedly” setting fire to a coal mine during the mine wars. I’ve had relatives die of black lung. My appreciation for the black American experience and the effects of long term systemic oppression grew out of observing similarities between that and the exploitation of working

A fat white girl on welfare on my 600 pound life had her garage raided while filming. Her dad (heron user) and baby daddy (autistic? ) were running a meth lab in their out house and NOONE went to jail. The girl and her mother weren’t put into shelters and the two babies by different daddies weren’t put in foster care.

Another way white people won’t take responsibility for their drug use. I say mass incarceration is the only way to go.