
Hey if you want to stay in Nazi Germany 2.0 Trump-Style go ahead. I think that’s a pretty lazy way to die though. I’d rather set sail to Brazil and live a real life.

I think that this is supposed to be a compliment, but it’s really, really not.

Peru is amazing. Always wanted to go there. Not sure where yet but I’m thinking why not Spain, right?

Huh. I was expecting at least 6'6".

Yeah, so I have done literally dozens of rallies with BLM? That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works.

Yeah no problem. I’m kinda leaning toward Turkey. Ever been to Istanbul? It’s like a city from the future.

HAVING PEACE??? You gotta be kidding me. Trump is going to start a nuclear war. He said he knows more then the generals and ordered not to be briefed on anything. This is getting out of hand. Put down the fake news. Nuclear war is on our doorstep, or more specifically... in Trump Tower.

Wrong, pal. I’m moving to Denmark.

Ah, you believe fake news. Got it.

I’ve been in the game for too long. I’ve fought and fought hard. It’s time for younger men than myself to get in the ring and knock these f*ckers out. I’m tired, Stig. I’m so tired.

Ok, but all Black Lives Matter so you go ahead and support the criminal police forces and I’ll be over here, fighting for justice. Real justice, not cop-style justice.

Hmm. Not so sure about that to be honest.

Here is all the proof you need.

I think I’m going to move to Italy. Hey if you don’t mind me asking, how tall are you exactly?


Ok, hey everyone? I didn’t mean literally. I meant in practice.

Actually I really am literally going to move out of the country. I just need to settle on a destination. So far France is my top pick. Or Germany or Australia. New Zealand and Sweden are in the running too.

First they came for the Mexicans and I said nothing because I wasn’t a Mexican. Then they came for the Black Lives Matters and I said nothing because I was not a Black Lives Matters Member. Then they came for the transgendereds and I said nothing because I was not transgendered.

Romo is one of the best QBs ever.

Now remember that 100% of cops supported Trump. Scared yet? You should be. The country is changed forever. I’m honestly going to move somewhere else.