
Or give Paul Simms something. Like that Matthew Broderick/Patton Oswalt Hamptons based detective show that never happened

Excellent review!

depends on what Skyler has said on the record

this just looks like a list of cool/popular shows that premiered in the last 5 years or so


Ok, I can report back that both are good songs. Courtney has a ton of content out there.

agree on Depreston & History Eraser. Don't know that I have heard Canned Tomatoes & Anonymous Club, so I will listen to them….NOW!

Pedestrian at Best and Avant Gardner are both fantastic songs with really well made music videos

I talked to your kids during family week. I know about your gambling addiction

…so, it's gonna be Community in an office, minus Shirley & Pierce?

Back in the nineties I was on a very famous teevee show…

that song is by Grouplove

I know and it was funny, I just felt like going on a tangent

More concerned with sitcoms, procedurals don't do it for me. Love the way shows like Master of None or You're the Worst look, and I wish that style could be applied to something shot elsewhere

it's a standard rom-com about loathsome assholes

Petty gripe, but does EVERY sitcom have to take place in LA these days? I get that it's easier to shoot in LA, but c'mon can't something be shot in Chicago or Austin or Boston or San Diego, or pretty much any major city that isn't LA or NYC?????

Do you have a link about the You're the Worst creator comments? If true, that's really disappointing because You're the Worst is really great, and a higher-profile rip-off is kind of a dick move.

Oh ok, basically; Paul loves chemicals so much that he's pretty much Walter White over here?

Serious question: how does Gillian Jacobs' character pronounce "bagel"?????

So what you're saying is, Paul is soooo into chemistry, that he's basically Walter White over here?