
What did you say? Say it to my face!

The terrorists who invade Greendale are after the Hawthorne fortune?

The most justifiable reason to keep the action at Greendale. There would have to be casualties though. Todd thinking it's a paintball game and getting his head blown off graphically might be the way to go about it.

I've seen all of S6 and a rescue Troy plot would absolutely work, as nobody seems sure what happened to him.

re Community: But we've seen the stakes raised as high as possible in the Greendale setting. How many times have they saved the school from getting shut-down/total destruction at this point?

I love Ben's tolerance of Jerry

well everyone else at CTU either died or got exposed as a mole and died

A Community movie, in my mind, should go full Spielberg. With the primary reference point being Indianna Jones imho. Agreed that you only need the original cast, with Chevy as a question mark, plus Chang and The Dean. Would love Frankie and Elroy making it in (in small roles), Shirley would be essential. NEED

Why should they all succeed? Other than Henry, Party Down never showed us proof that any of these people were any good at their individual dream jobs. They're misfits. We root for them because their struggles are relateable; they don't like where they're at but probably aren't cut out for what they want.



I am normally against the idea of TV shows being rebooted as movies, for all the reasons the writer stated. However, if Community is going to come back again, it has to be as a movie. They've done all they can as a TV series. If we are going to see these characters again it should be in a cinematic adventure. I know

I think James Burrows playing himself in S1 of The Comeback made it clear, at this point he's just cashing a check. Also I highly doubt he has even .00009% of the influence on anything he's been doing. Just a hired hand.

I agree about Brooklyn 99. It feels like a TV show, there's no suspension of disbelief.

I feel like Mad Men had quite a few stand-alones (though they were earlier in the series). I also think Better Call Saul could theoretically have stand-alones.

I agree. I kinda feel like, even though they are hetero, Maggie and Emma are each other's soulmates and I don't want Mark interfering with that. With all that said, I do want them to have sex

Two things…

I'd love to hear the long answer!

Going back further, Norman Lear's shows did very well in the 70's and they are definitely more Cheers than Gary Marshall. I guess the Gary Marshall way is easier and that's that?

Because a great stand-up comedy act is filled with potential premises and come from a solid POV. It worked out swimmingly for Jerry Seinfeld and Ray Ramano and most recently, Louis C.K.