
Well how about artistic achievements? I'm assuming that would just be SNL and SCTV, right?

You made me laugh, so that's something

why they choose to do the opposite is the mystery

I explained the differences, but I want to know WHY, dammit!

Why are all modern 3-camera set-up sit-coms so hammy? Go back and watch Cheers (especially the early seasons) and it's so subdued. It feels like a bunch of misfits hanging out/working in a bar. The conversations are natural and intimate, not shouted at the audience. The sets feel like real places, and the blocking is…

I think our reviewer has been doing a bang-up job this season, but I found it odd Maggie's goal of becoming a nurse was not mentioned at all

"Doc, give it to me straight…will I ever walk again????"

Absolute Magoots! Between Playing House, Review, and the couple of eps of Veep she appeared on this season this is her year!

This movie can take all my money


I loved the "basic" exchange

It would have to be Scott. Mantzoukas has already been on Review.

My long-game prediction for this show is it ends with Forrest being asked to review suicide

Well walking away didn't fix his life. His wife didn't take him back, and they said he was found living in the woods. May as well continue the only thing he has going on in his life.

Forrest doesn't own that footage. Grant is in complete control and doesn't give a shit about Forrest.

Who is this Conan O'Brien? And why is she so sad?

No way man, this show is taking it further than Sunny and god bless them for going for it!

Let's all imagine a horrible alternate timeline where Entrourage attempts a backdoor spin-off episode.

I thought Ed Asner got one too

it's sad that his most famous comedic role is in The Hangover movies, because he's not funny in those.