TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.

Welp, found the professional umbrage taker... must be busy these days huh? 

I wouldn’t be surprised if that 2.5 Tdi is the old 300Tdi out of the Defender, Tata does have the plans and tooling for it.

I said, ‘No, it is a big deal. It’s not okay,” says woman who was rear-ended.

Didn’t even get the country right either... skaap...

Buddy, seriously lazy research. Not only did you put “Africa” in the headline, you got the country in Africa wrong. Ottosdal is in the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA.

Chill Winston...

Hey you leave colour out of this, just because you lot threw a bunch of tea into a harbour doesn’t mean your version of English is the flavour of the month. Now if you don’t mind I need to do some work on my aluminium engine block this weekend.

It’s worse now...

My screen is only so big...

Meanwhile, on NJ Transit...

Anything is a U-boat if you’re brave stupid enough.

So it can do the opposite of what it’s supposed to do and COLLECT all the dust.

Yeah, I got the fuck out of Dodge about 20 minutes before the storm hit. Surprisingly my NJT train didn’t break down OR run with delays. I should probably play the lotto or something.

Ah yes, the annual meeting of the “summer tires during winter” support group...

I say we start treating people like adults and let the cards fall where they may.

THAT’S how you abuse taxpayer money.