
MPC = media player classic or MPC Star Player aka Tiger Player ...

the gloating mac user is the reason that mac malware is growing ...

hmmzor ...

added side note to your #1... they are deemed too monopolistic and are split into 2 companies, which began fighting each other into a downward spiral and dies ...

Upper management battle royale would be my preference ...

guess ill wait for the qr coded zebras to evolve ...

only a fail in that they did not have a decisive target market for the cr48 ... if they had advertised it to people as the ultimate device to give people afraid of computers it would have gotten more lift ...

agreed... the only thing unsuccessful for the most part of the nexus one being sold directly was that it wasn't available on every carrier and people are still stuck in the habit of buying phones on contract with subsidies ...

too much said ... but there are better options out there ...

maxipads ...

Satelite ... lol ... hughsnet

Just as i was contemplating this for lunch ...

indubitably ...

reminds me of the $50k i got from that arabian prince after i sent him $2k ...

most cities the library is often near the city center or areas of importance ... if your new to a city then explore it and find such a valuable treasure as the library is ... or step into the 21st century and search the netz for the location ...

it was full of doves, so they stopped, now it doesn't coo anymore ...

agreed ...

id b curious to know if in fact communist north korea would have such a thing as yellow book ... or if you simply mistakenly wrote your first korea incorrectly as north ...

provide a few at the local city library, then those that absolutely need them can have access to them... for everyone else the interwebz hold all thats needed

i have used zagg skins for a long time, the cost isn't too bad and they have a life time warranty.