The Bill McNeal

Maybe they'll get Ray Parker Jr. to do the theme song for this one.

For the record, the GLOW Rap has NOTHING on the glorious awfulness of the AWA's Wrestlerock Rumble.

And that's why she's the face of GLOW, brother!

Yea, but this way is more true to actual wrestling. The promoters have their vision and will shove it down the viewers' throats. It's why you have the WWE pushing Roman Reigns so hard as the next Superman, while the crowd chants for him to die.

If only there was some way to watch Kingdom…

I smell a crossover with Southpaw Regional Wrestling.

Really? But nerds are my mortal enemy!

That part to the west that should technically be part of Alabama isn't that bad. Like from Panama City to Pensacola.

Don't you remember? He's reopening coal mines and letting them dump waste back in the rivers. Black lung for everyone! It's as American as apple pie and cheating on your taxes.

No, it's a sequel to the video games that came out in 2010. And it was just called Aliens vs. Predator.

Outside of the ending, the other scene I remember him in is the one where they use the globe to figure out the coordinates to Devils Tower. He's standing behind Francois Truffaut and Bob Balaban when Balaban reveals that it's coordinates.

I heard the director's cut has four extra seconds dedicated solely to the dong shot.

Yea, it's definitely one of my favorites. It's entertaining, pretty scary and the cast plays well off each other.

When are the people of New Mexico going to give up this pointless endeavor and get back to searching for Walter White's barrels of cash?

It's sad though that they couldn't pad the list out to an even 30. It's not like they were lacking in other titles. You could have thrown in the other two DKC games, Earthworm Jim, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Final Fantasy II, Chrono Trigger, Actraiser, Turtles in Time and UN Squadron for an obscure title!

I wish Amazon had an easier way to view all the bonus material, rather then having to fast forward to the end of the movie.

It's a nice lineup. Earthbound and Super Mario RPG are worth the price alone.

Provided you're one of the lucky few that manage to get one during Nintendo's limited production run and don't have to deal with the ridiculously high scalper prices.

Pretty much, although he was less "rich party kid" and more "typical sleazy wrestling promoter". He's definitely nowhere near as lovable as Chris Lowell either.

Be nice to the Z-List actor, will ya? It's not his fault he can't read.