The Bill McNeal

What about fat children? Are they horses? I feel like Trump didn't properly elaborate on this.

Sam Sylvia's going to be really disappointed when he finds out that Back to the Future came out six months earlier.

Mother won't let us have a Roomba anymore after she caught me using it. But what did she expect? I’m half-machine! I’m a monster!

I've got like 15,000 emails sitting in my Gmail account right now. I'm far too lazy to go through and delete, yet I can't just mass delete, because there might be something within that five years of emails that I might need.

I wonder if people use that expression in the DC universe. And Superman always has to respond with "Yeah? You know what my kryptonite is? KRYPTONITE!"

I know. I liked it. Paul Rudd's charm can make up for a lot.

Which really sucks, because this was a project that Wright really wanted to do. He'd been developing it with Joe Cornish before the original Iron Man came out. Then the studios just trampled all over it.

Let's just say that this blended burger moved them… to a bigger house!

McDonald's beat them to the punch. They've been blending grounded earthworm into their burgers for years!

Hey! I saw Harry Crane there!

Yea, he's delightfully scummy in it.

I prefer my Mr. Green to be a possibly gay G-Man played by Michael McKean.

I recall a Roddy Piper story about getting knifed while trying to leave a show. Those guys went through a lot of shit when they riled up the rubes and hayseeds.

Which is funny, because his uncle Mando was the original trainer for GLOW.

Glad Jason Schwartzman was able to recover from his injuries. Hopefully that means Michael Cera made a recovery too!

I'm going to be upset if J.J. doesn't show up late. He thought they said 9:30.

Hank Pym did it to Black Panther in the original Marvel Zombies series, but the Panther escaped and got his missing arm and foot replaced with robot parts.

You want a Pepsi, pal, you're gonna pay for it!

"He's a lawyer, I'm an accountant, we speak the same language. Obviously accountants are more bad boys… but there's a respect there.”

Atleast Mr. Wrench made it out of the season unscathed… and much more wealthy.