The Bill McNeal

Yea, there's nothing worse then the assholes that go around talking or blaring music while playing as Jason. Not only does it bug me as a role player, you're also giving away your location to every counselor that's nearby.

Not only was Stanley Tucci in this series already, he was the very last film as the villain that turns good in the third act.

I know. Marvel could have easily did a Netflix series based on the Matt Fraction Hawkeye, but Jeremy Renner is just bland as Hawkeye.

It's going to be War Machine, right? Now that Tony Stark invented a device to make his big scene from Civil War a moot point.

In retrospect, it might not be the worst thing that George Lucas attached his name to. So Lea Thompson can take solace in that.

And she's nowhere close to the awfulness and bitchiness of Maria Hill from the comics.

Tiger Electronics is just waiting for the chance to strike and then it'll be Game.Com's time to shine!

Young man, in this house we use a little word called "please".

Can I get Shining Force II to go alongside my iOS port of Shining Force?

Although, looking through similar stories on the web, everyone seems to say that it's just the sixth season getting removed, which is odd, but I can live with it.

That's even worse news. Futurama is one of my fallback shows with It's Always Sunny and Archer on Netflix.

Part 6 is a bit jarring to watch without watching the previous films, as it leans heavily into the humor. It's also got Arnold Horshack and Tony Goldwyn getting butchered by Jason.

I had one incredibly lucky sequence where I spawned almost right near the boat. And to top that, the propeller and gas were in the two cabins nearest to it. I figured that I didn't have much of a shot, since I usually play as Brandon, the black athlete, who is like the 2nd worst at repairing and not terribly sneaky,

They really need to get host migration working too. Nothing sucks more then the game prematurely dying because the host didn't get picked as Jason or was pissed because he died first.

I've enjoyed the hell out of this game, even when it was glitchy and took 30 minutes in matchmaking. And have had generally positive experiences with random people.

I don't really bash rats so much anymore, as I've started to drown them these days, so I don't have to listen to their screams.

Every night that I don't choke to death on my vomit, I chalk it up as a small win in my life.

I'm glad to see that Cowboy Bob Orton's forearm finally healed after thirty years. Although, the logical finish to that match would have been him using the arm cast to help his son win back the title in St. Louis.

Bugs aside, I've really enjoyed playing the game. And with the last patch, it's pretty stable now.

If you can find Jason's shack, you can get his mother's sweater. It's used to stun Jason and is one of the parts needed to kill Jason, alongside Tommy Jarvis.