The Bill McNeal

It's really not "just a word"… You may think it is, because you throw it out at people while you sit at the Waffle House, but it isn't.

Will Jerry Stiller be popping in as their old police captain?

Well, that explains everything. This guy went to Cornell!

All three volumes of Nick Spencer's great Superior Foes of Spider-Man are on sale for a total of $7.60, and I couldn't recommend it more.

I didn't want to add to my backlog, but 80 cents for God Loves, Man Kills?

Maybe they'll show some restraint and only stretch it out into two films this time.

Most days, when I look at the news, I feel like Grimey.

They're starting to iron out most of the wrinkles in Friday the 13th: The Game, and it's really fun to play. Sneaking around as a counselor and trying to coordinate with your fellow counselors can be a bit frustrating if everyone just says "Fuck it!" and runs off on their own.

I assume it was followed by a bunch of assholes chanting "What?!".

Because you have no honor, you goddamn bitch!

I just assumed they were referring to Johnny Depp. He gets loads of screen time and seems to be a miserable individual.

You know what's better then making myself miserable?

William Taft? The man was so fat that he once got stuck in the White House bathtub. Atleast that's I was told. I have no clue how that would affect his sexual prowess with the ladies though.

I don't aggressively not give a shit about it, but as a self-centered asshole, I regard it with the same blasé attitude that I have for most things in my daily life.

Aren't the rest of his kids in their 30s with varying degrees of sociopathic tendencies?

Hopefully Season Five will be preceded by that re-edit of Season Four that Hurwitz kept promising.

Randy's grandfather, Bob Orton Sr., was Florida Tag Team champs with Hiro Matsuda, so I doubt he would have been "disgusted" by a "foreigner" as a champion.

It's only light treason.

Of all the random shit I could receive in the mail, this probably ranks somewhere beneath a pipe bomb, but above a jury duty summons.

Yea, but at this point, who hasn't cursed Larry out on the show?