The Bill McNeal

Now if only we could get Ric Flair out of retirement to have a 5 star match with the mop.

Really? That sucks. I always liked seeing him pop up in the wrestling posts.

Plus it allows their feud to continue to build, while allowing Kevin Owens to keep getting heat by bragging about how he defeated AJ Styles.

Owens vs. Styles was the best of the PPV, followed by Kevin Owens terrorizing Talking Smack — I'll never get tired of Kevin Owens' awkward chemistry with Renee Young.

I was hoping for a clean reboot of the original game, that played up the horror, while also questioning the ridiculous stuff — like why the living room includes a death trap triggered by the shotgun rack.

The episode of Newsradio that covers Bill McNeal's death was both sad and hilarious at the same time.

McClure and Hutz still occasionally pop up as background characters in mob scenes, like in the Simpsons Movie.

Don't forget Infowars! The moron also gets his news from there too.

Don't forget Infowars! The moron also gets his news from there too.

I'd really love for them to remaster Shining Force III and finally bring the other two discs over here.

Cronenberg's The Fly remake. And it was playing on WPIX during a Saturday at that. Granted, I was really young, probably five or six at the time. I haven't really revisited it since then…

Michael Pare reminds me of an off-model James Remar. The guy you hire if Remar was already booked/in rehab.

Where else can you see Rick Moranis as a sleazy band manager?

I'm saddened that I missed this.

I was hoping for Chris Jericho.

Get Mick Foley as his VP and we can reunite The Rock & Sock Connection for 2020!

Jeez, even Roman Reigns doesn't get booed that much.

Nolan North as Deadpool and Fred Tatasciore as Cable. With Steve Blum as Wolverine.

God damn it! I was practically sprinting over here just to post that exact same thing.

I was thinking of The Razor's Edge.