The Bill McNeal

If she is still alive at the end of this, I like to think that the end of Better Call Saul will involve Jimmy/Saul/Gene returning from Nebraska to try and make amends with Kim or something, which ultimately costs him his life.

I hope Bill Burr pops up on Better Call Saul next. It'll be great to get him and Joe Derosa together for an Uninformed reunion.

Thank god the internet joined forces to accomplish something worthwhile. Last November was a wash, but atleast we got some dopey white kid a free year's worth of breaded and fried chicken entrails.

Do I have to put my smartphone down? Can't I just go outside and play Pokemon Go with the cool kids? They still play that, right?

Don't forget Airwolf!

I know, it's only Tuesday and they're already coasting towards the weekend.

A little of column A, a little of column B.

Wasn't this article posted a few days ago?

Last time I really saw him was back in 2014 when he was a member of the latest X-Factor group.

As someone who still works in a grocery store, I wholeheartedly agree.

"What is my purpose?"
"You pass salt."
"Oh my god."
"Yeah, welcome to the club, pal."

I assume he did. I've heard it mentioned on here. Also, he was announced as playing the deputy to Carrie Coon's sheriff.

I can't wait to read about what new delicious recipes we can concoct from the fine products over at Hormel!

I think my biggest suspension of disbelief is that Civil War had Peter as a dumpster diver, who got really excited about finding a DVD player in the trash. But now he's just got a $500 Lego set, among other Lego sets.

Yea, but from what I've read it takes like 22 hours to build.

Frank Stallone?

Congratulations, you're the first person to use the word "tinhorn" since the Johnson County War.

With the Infinity Gauntlet in play, I think even the dead ones could stand a shot of coming back too.

I always love that story, just for the mental image of Ric Flair drunkenly strutting around a plane in just his robe.

And if you play your cards right, you can probably score some good shit off Joe Biden.