The Bill McNeal

I'll always give Max Landis atleast partial credit for Wrestling Isn't Wrestling. It's an entertaining watch.

Pfff… That's nothing. They're eating whole turkeys out of trash cans over in Final Fight and Streets of Rage.

It's understandable. From what I've seen, every Batman villain that's ever existed has a part in it.

I want to say it was rumored that Walken's part in Batman Returns was originally written as Harvey Dent. With the kiss of death from Catwoman at the end being what caused his scarring.

I remember Jeff Goldblum and Steve Buscemi thrown around for the Scarecrow in that too. And Robin Williams and Rowan Atkinson were in contention for Mad Hatter.

I'll always enjoy that video for Donald Trump's grumpy, miserable death stare, while everyone else is laughing around him.

I was just about to post that!

Within the first few minutes of the first episode at that. And by Charlie as well.

Maybe he's really bad at drawing ears. Like how Rob Liefeld is horrendous at drawing anything involving the human anatomy.

Unlike X-Com, will there be a random chance that your deceased characters suddenly reappear again?


And last I checked, there's still a fairly devoted modding community that's recreated almost any Marvel/DC character you could want. Great game.

It's not his dad's fault. His secretary Kitty lost her puppy and he had to help her find it.

Ah, the classic Irishman's dilemma. Do you eat the potato now or let it ferment so that you can drink it later.

That Friday the 13th reboot/sequel must have been pretty atrocious to get the ax. They pumped out eight of the things over the course of the eighties with no problem. It's not a hard formula to nail down. Throw a bunch of annoying teenagers near Crystal Lake, have some nudity and drug use, come up with a few creative

Jason Goes To Hell was the worst, since it set up the whole possibility of Bruce Campbell getting involved in the proceedings and did nothing with it!

This show was worth it for Walton Goggins' performance.

Six words. "Major League: Back to the Minors"

I'm a little over halfway through the season, and Timothy Olyphant is great in it.

Don't feel too bad, Atlanta. Plenty of teams have gave up a 25 point lead in the second half of the Super Bowl. Atleast you have that Delta hub still…