The Bill McNeal

You didn't hear this from me, but I've got inside sources that say that Spider-Man's got some of those leftover clones from the nineties in a storage locker in Hoboken. It's like that Michael Keaton movie.

Could probably get the Juggalos to help. Those Faygo cans are worth 10 cents a piece in Michigan.

THE Ted Leo?!

An autographed copy of The Art of the Deal.

Maybe they could do one about the time they got some of that Arcturian poontang.

To be fair, he could play Mozart with his fly.

Clearly, if this game night goes "horribly wrong", the game of choice is probably Monopoly. It almost always ends in some sort of fight.

What are the benefits from glasses with such large frames? Unless you're an anime character, it's just too much!

Marion Cobretti would like a word with you.

Diamond Joe ain't going anywhere! He'll be hiding out in one of those underground tunnels beneath the White House that you always hear about in movies. He's got himself a pretty sweet setup down there. He'll only come up occasionally, at night, to rummage through the kitchen and upper deck Trump's toilet. Don't worry

If del Toro isn't too busy attaching himself to projects, I would happily take another appearance as Pappy McPoyle.

I expect him to show up tomorrow wearing those giant fake rubber hands that Charlie's Uncle Jack wore on It's Always Sunny.

Was that supposed to be Goldar in the trailer? I believe Jay Sherman had a phrase that sums this movie up.

Sunspot's pretty popular right now.

Warwick Davis can't survive off his paltry residuals from Willow!

But what makes him the Movie Icon specifically for the year of 2016? That's what the award was for.

What is the requirements for being nominated for Movie Icon of the Year? Johnny Depp's only output this year was the two referenced flops, a cameo in the Harry Potter spinoff and beating his wife.

I used to think Charlie was the most sympathetic, until that episode when he made Alexandra Daddario cry.

I don't know if there was anything more crushing then the revelation that Dennis tossed away all of Mac's dad's letters from prison, purely because he didn't want to hear Mac rambling on about them.

Except Garfield without Garfield is far more hilarious then the normal Garfield comics. Without the cat, it's a sobering look at a man suffering from mental illness.