
16 and driving to my fast food job in my dads car. (1988 Corolla).

Really long straight bridges are kind of deceptive to drive over. Try driving over confederation bridge between PEI and New Brunswick in Canada.

Well then we will go about our lives respectfully disagreeing about this. :D

Sure, but the work truck could have prevented this accident had he so chose.

One thing not condsidered: I go to work too early for the bus that runs the direct route. When the car is in the shop I have to take the indirect route and that adds an extra 30 minutes.

I can say I love driving. Commuting is my favoruite part of my day. :D

Sounds like the oppsite problem we have. Biking for me would be okay in the summer and fall but winter....c`mon man it`s pitch black and last year the avg temp in Feb was 1. 1F. Many a morning it was down to unbearable temps like -17F. And dark. And snow.

That’s cool. One day I went to a job interview then left the garage. As I was pulling out my wallet I ripped my brand new pants. Damn it. I went to a chain of the store I bought the pants off of and eventually got a free new pair, but man how annoying.

Especially when that country burned down your white house.

Now playing

Scissor Lift is better. I laughed my ass off the first time I saw this.


Tragical. I hate you google.

Extra credit to opponaut “themanwiththesauce” for having a car fall on his head and surviving it.

The crashes are the only reason I ever watch.

Yup. lol.

Captiol Hill staffer?

Hello. Are you as your name suggests?

I have actually found driving a full sized truck pretty easy when the canopy is off. Visibility on all 4 corners!