
It should be noted here in Ontario, the bar MAKES lawyers consult with people for free (something something access to justice for poors something) so if you live in Ontario and want to consult a lawyer (FOR FREE!!!!) you can use (the) Law Society Referral Service (LSRS) which will provide for you to meet with a lawyer

10 miles of 6% is a long ways.


Where is that? FYI it’s probably not even remotely close to 45 might be 12...that’s kind of the max for most non logging roads in north america.

Yup. 6.1% is steep but not absurdly so. Absurd grades start around 12%

6.1% is steep but it’s not that steep. I’ve been on roads that are about 12%....and that is like a damn cliff.

I see. I am scared of german cars I think.

Is yours being recalled?


I’ve driven 17 from west to east (11 is the more northern route) and even that one is insane. Between Sault Ste Marie and Thunder Bay it’s about 700 kms of windy roads and the biggest town you go thorough is Marathon (aptly named) pop 3,000.

This...this is a problem Ontario does not have. Our two biggest cities are about 300 miles apart. I live in Ottawa (the smaller one) and people go down to Toronto for the night and come back the next day lol.

Oh don’t worry I understood you clearly. I was just stating perhaps doing nothing is not always desireable but when it comes to road rage it truly is.

Oh yeah fuck the camaro guy for sure. He’s going to jail, buddy was drunk. But me personally, I’d rather not have a wreck if I was work truck. I only have one car man!

Oh he definitely 100% at fault, but agreed, just holding people behind is asshole move also and it looks like all 3 vehicles lost here.

Agree 100% in this case. I read a great book a while ago called “surviving armed assualts” and I forget whom this was, but there was one actress who was mugged at gun point. The young man pointed the gun right at her and said “give me your purse”. She said “what are you going to do? shoot me?” Having left the idiot

All fun and games until it’s a wreck. Just on the 417 towards Montreal yesterday (but still in ontario) some dick was on ass while overtaking, and it’s like “yeah I COULD” pump the brakes and cause a wreck but why endanger peoples lives over it? Just not worth it.

It’s not always better to do nothing, but in this case doing something was the far worse choice.

Oh sure. It definitely takes two to tango.

Jesus that must have been terrifying.

I am not here to say the camaro driver was right, because he definitely was wrong but the work truck could have easily prevented this. It’s a good lesson for all of us.