
My god you're funny! So clever! Touché

I work with the handicapped. You sound like an total asshole

Spot on. And agreed, you can reduce any plot to idiocy with the call and response sort of 'writing'.

Wow, we are making fun of the cognitively disabled here now? If that was humor don't bother.

I'm with you 100%. The movie had significantly fewer issues than DK Rises.

It is just a horrible idea with nowhere to go. You can't even tease people along like Smallville. I will avoid like the plague

The part of you that feels you should avoid it, go that way

Good production value, but the premise with all the young villains is just too lame

My vote is no, not sure why. Perhaps because he doesn't understand himself and is unable to replicate himself (successfully, he did make a daughter who went on the fritz)

Just throwing this out there for general discussion:

Sorry to make you sad, can you post a link to enlightenment?

Not tacked on, shoehorned in. But still free ice cream is free ice cream.

Shoehorned in there, totally random, but I was glad I asked the dudes in front of me why they were staying,

I reluctantly agree, but daymn I could watch her paint a room and be pretty satisfied.

That might be a good thing, yes.

Even the fist-o-matic 5000 I was researching for a friend?

you are my new hero!

Aw yiss! Mutha F'in Mutants!

Well obviously he has put some thought into it, but little compared to his main interests. If he had we should have seen more of his usual startling insights, or something new. Instead we get the liner notes of A Transcendence DVD or the forward to The Terminator

Hey numbskull, the fact that I consider him to be the king of all nerds is a joking testament to his briliance. The crux of my comment is that he is not a computer scientist, nor is he saying anything even remotely new or helpful. Get a clue yourself, try reading the headlines before they are 96 hours old, and STFU