
Dude, I made a volcano as a 2nd grade science project...that doesn't make me a volcanologist. So he built a computer decades ago...he now is the big cheese of AI? What groundbreaking insight of his did you find here? I got the same message in the 1980s from James Cameron and Skynet.

what in gods name are you blathering about? Look genius, if I said he doesn't know shit about physics you would be right, but Hawking isn't an AI engineer is he? Back of the line with you

That was all rather will put!


hmmmmm. You obviously haven't read much except the topmost comment...and not even that very well. Look around at the discussions after the initial post for more insight. Oh and btw he isn't the fucking messiah so calm the fuck down....sheesh.

Thank you my brother!

Not remotely criticizing his stance. I agree with it in point of fact. Just laughing at the fact he felt compelled to state the painfully obvious something that had already been covered by true experts in the field, authors, movie directors...



I never said I was too busy, just not willing to give him the satisfaction of reading his treatise. And I honestly didn't read it.

Also if this was news to you you should pay attention, but for the 99% that has already heard this 10 times over...notsomuch

I am actually Brian Greene wise guy, so there

Public figures grandstanding or otherwise ARE different. Or do you only comment on family, close friends, or people you have written biographies on?

Wasn't a hateful tirade you thin skinned ninny, feel free to readthrough my numerous other replies

that's awesome!

you have been proven correct of course, but King Nerd was meant to be funny....and he IS king of the nerds. You wouldn't think that would engender hate amongst self admitted geeks and nerds, but whoops.

Welcome to the internet kid. I was wasn't aware that I needed to offer a treatise of supplication before pointing out the obvious. Still I am enjoying all the righteous fury from the sycophantic adherents that feel as though hey need to rush to the defense of the good prof....I mean you would think I knocked over

Ooo snap. He changed the way I think about space and time too. He won't change my attitude on this however. BTW it is more of a critique on the existence of the 'news' story rather than on the individual. And if 'King Nerd' makes you angry rather than smile...I guess I feel sorry that you are so prone to anger

yeah nobody should offer any criticism of anybody unless they have equalled or topped them in some respect. Hope you never have an opinion on a book, movie, professor, dining experience, politician as I doubt you are an author, director, educator, chef, or politician yourself.

Not bitter at him. I read with interest anything he has to say in his chosen field. I am annoyed at sensationalistic and alarmist journalism that attaches the biggest of three names to the headline all in an attempt to gain readership. Moreover what was stated was already well-worn cautions dating back to The