
That is hardly what was said Ann, go back and read again if you must.

sigh, you're right he is the worlds foremost expert, hence the unique insights found only in this article and nowhere else....

I thought Megadeath was the heaviest metal ever observed...

maybe a little....

There is truth in that :)

sorry for the caps, I don't know how to italicize in kinja, and am too lazy to learn

And I'm glad that the expression police showed up and put someone with a well-worded plausible objection in their place. Must be nice to bathe in smugness masked as humility.

also, the fact that the two co-authors are merely footnotes (including the only computerscientist in the mix) further underscore my annoyance at alarmist/sensationalist scientific reporting. These attention grabbing headlines are at times dangerous, especially when they threaten destruction/cancer/death. It would

well said!

No, I read the original article before seeing it here. I had also read Vernor Vinge. Hawking should have also referenced Jim Cameron and his concept of Skynet dating back to 1984! Either way it it's good to know that if someone references others they become an expert by proxy.

Good advice, and should be taken by myself and 85% of the commenters here

I dunno, I won't feel complete until Paris Hilton weighs in ;)

Sooooo now he's an expert in AI? You obviously don't have any clue as to what YOURE talking about.

really enjoyable! Thanks


excellent points!

and perfectly fucking obvious to the meanest intelligence

whatever dude, Hollywood beat him to it decades ago you

he said nothing of the sort you dipshit

oh DWDavis, you poor sod. We both made the unforgivable sin of questioning our intellectual superiors. Welcome to io9, Land of the Humorless Dicks.