
You're funny!

I don't argue the point. Still, nothing new was said by him, and it didn't require saying. It is sensationalism.

and you're an idiot who can't discriminate a joke, or read the responses under the post. Go to bed son, the grown ups are talking.

Excellent response. Thanks


Oh, I have no doubt he is! The 'next to nothing' bit was humor (although comparatively to his other areas it probably is accurate). Guy is insanely smart...but still, what has he said here that isn't covered elsewhere already, in greater depth, by multiple experts. Just seems like a weird thing to chime in on

Go Bucky!

Here is the other only reasonable response to my post. Well said Mixelon!

An excellent response! Only one of two where somebody could point out something positive and constructive...instead of whining "well he's smarter than YOU ya big jerkface"

irrelevant to my point. I am in a field of service to humankind though if that helps

TLDR son. I don't have the time to waste on your essay "Here is why I'm Not an Ass, but You Are". I can see the last line is about your pasta being ready, I hope you have a nice dinner.

Here, let me explain. You are an asshole because you jumped into the fray and sarcastically attacked me for simply pointing out that the man is not an expert. That is ALL I did. You then assumed that I felt I was an expert, should be consulted, wanted to stop all scientific discussion for humanity etc etc. All

Got quite a thick hide on ya, I can tell. Did you see the links to the other articles from this site that discuss this same thing? I have no problem with an editor of this site positing a question and then having a discussion. My point is that the media, and sycophantic assholes like yourself get an erection every

Sorry didn't know you had his poster on your wall. I read the guys books, but this is a pointless article.

I know this. My point is that his time would have been just as well spent basically letting us know that dietary fats are necessary and helpful, but must be consumed with caution.

all I know is that when the Femputer takes over, I want to die by snu-snu!


So, King Nerd opens his mouth on a subject he knows next to nothing about, and it's global headlines? Seems like his opinions have already been stated elsewhere by others more in a position to comment (including better written pieces on this site). But if 'ol Steve has something to say, then I guess we better pay

We have a BINGO!

Yes, but it sooooo dumb