
Mondoshawan FTW!!!

I know this, it was also novel and a big change from recent films at the time. But if the 1977 script was filed today and released, the reception would be different

Wasn't meant to be a treatise, just a quick response pointing out the OT wasn't flawless. It is space opera not hard sci fi. Your explanations are amusing and you are clearly an apologist. Don't forget I love the OT and they need no defending from my standpoint

get a grip son

no, it's her marriage contract

? Try harder

funny it is, but join you, I will not

Part of the trick is to revert to a 12 year old when the lights go down.

Natalie was wooden, and Hayden too. Ewan, Yoda, and Sam weren't wooden. Plot was acceptable, but had the promised elements. The effects were decent, a bit too polished at times. I still like em, can't help it

dude, obi wan going head to head with a mandalorian? Asteroid space chase? Clone factory? Yoda with his skilz vs Dooku? Anikan losing his shit and massacring sand people? Obi wan vs Greivous? Order 66? Wookie warriors? Mace vs Sideous? Yoda vs Sideous? Anikan burning up? That shit was all cool. Love Epi 2 and

Waaaahhh! I'm too hip for anything new. Ewoks fucking rocked! Robots who feel pain make sense! The Gamorean guards looked realistic! Kids with zero experience get multimillion Xwings for a landmark assault. Transport ships must leave Hoth directly under the Imperial fleet.


a much more reasonable reply, for which I thank you. I am sure you are correct for some Christians. Not me personally. I simple recoil from those who embrace ignorance in light of facts. YECs are either willfully ignorant out of fear, or just plain stupid.

I made comparisons for the sake of pointing out the faults in condemning a group based on the actions of a few or by stereotypes. It was meant to serve as a general reference and not to serve as side by side comparison. As one comparison was another ideology and the was biology, I am puzzled why you focus only on

I would, but all those flavors you listed leave a bad after taste. ;)

I sense sarcasm, which always plays poorly online. I have my own rationale as back-up that I won't expound on here. But you are right, it is a personal decision and is NOT based on science. The question of "is there a mind outside of the observable universe" simply can't be answered by science, as science is only

thanks for the pleasant response! All too often I encounter the opposite. I appreciate what you're saying. I think many Christians do 'take a stand', but do it by directing their money/votes/time away from the obnoxious head-in-the-sand types. At least I do. You should look at it the same way as being overseas

I look at the Universe from the cosmological scale down to the quantum. I read about string theory, I am fascinated by the Brane theory. I read every story I can find from CERN. I revel in the unbelievable complexity of a single eukaryotic cell. I majored in biology. I pursued a career in the biological sciences.

I can see where you are coming from, but do remember that there are uncounted liberal and independent politicians, doctors, scientists, et. cetera who subscribe to Christianity, but don't wear it on their sleeve. There are passages in the New Testament that tell people to keep their prayerful life, charities, and the

Why shouldn't we? If you need to ask the question, then you won't be able to comprehend the answer.