
Are you is Wisconsin? Sounds like what I'm seeing outside.

I heard the Federation is on its way to Uranus to wipeout the Klingons

I hear Uranus is big and gassy

My first thought too!

Well said, your Neutralness

Well said!

God you sound like a spaz-monkey. Too much hyperbole, please get a sense of perspective.

God yes. David is the first to jump to mind


So much win.

JeeThus Cahryith!!

My dear lad, go back and re-watch 'Weird Science', 'Sixteen Candles', 'Ghostbusters', 'National Lampoons Vacation', 'Ferris Beuller', 'ET', 'Empire Strikes Back', then go listen to all that glorious music from bands too numerous to mention....then come back and say that again.

Err, no. He did see a doc on May 13th, at which time there was no evidence for pneumonia (although I don't know which tests were run). He later was coughing up blood at home, but didn't want to bother anyone (he was no longer a practicing Christian Scientist..but who knows if that delayed him seeking care). When he

Spider Man is Jehovah's Witness...I kid, I kid

Chiwetel Ejiofor, Chiwetel Ejiofor. I like him so much I'm going to say it again: Chiwetel Ejiofor. When I read 'Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell' I always imagine him in the role of Stephen Black.

He well may have. I can't recall specifically...

Exactly right, and that fact was pulled from the 'Unfinished Tales'. Cirdan of the Elves sensed that Gandalf had the greatest destiny. His humility was his greatest asset. Nice job there!

He said Saruman (not Sauron...confusing I know) is the greatest of his order, but in that case he was referring to the Istari (the wizards).

"The better stuff a creature is made of, the cleverer and stronger and freer it is, then the better it will be when it goes right, but also the worse it will be if it goes wrong. A cow cannot be very good or very bad; a dog can be both better and worse; a child better and worse still; an ordinary man still more so; a