News flash: kids expose themselves to porn shortly after Mom & Dad give them a smartphone.
News flash: kids expose themselves to porn shortly after Mom & Dad give them a smartphone.
There was a time when it was ok to say it sounded fantastical. Now it’s just a game of finding the past tweet where she revealed the latest CNN or WSJ headline, months ago.
Mensch has been remarkably accurate when it comes to her statements on Trump/Russia in the past 12 months.
It’s a good thing that Kislyak’s (and Manafort’s) phone had an exploit on it allowing US intelligence to hear & record everything being said and typed. I’m not even sure Signal could have protected against this level of data collection. These dimwits hung themselves.
Yeah...people are voluntarily using a free app owned by Facebook, however popular it may be. That France considers it a sacred cow is a bit strange. If users don’t like it, they should move to a different messaging app.
To be fair, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are their own special kind of stupid as well.
And the Democrats, via Obama, actively worked to keep industry at bay with official policy. The Republicans, by making something happen, would simply revoke the policy guidance.
This poor girl didn’t need & shouldn’t have had unfiltered Internet access at 8 years old. Aside from reading about the other girl’s suicide, it’s hard to effectively cyberbully a kid that has no social media presence. Then you have to resort to 100% in-person bullying, and I’m betting (far) fewer kids are brave…
I’m waiting for the ‘Both Parties are the Same’ crowd to arrive. Although, is there an explanation why I shouldn’t support the party that protected Net Neutrality that doesn’t involve the words ‘drone,’ ‘Wall Street,’ or ‘Shillary’?
The Franken witch hunt will go down as one of the most idiotic moves in recent memory. Let the ethics investigation run its course. Don’t do the bidding of a Hannity acolyte that finds a simple way to co-opt #metoo.
Considering that the DM/chat function in IG is buggy as hell most of the time, this could actually be a welcome development. Half the time messages or shared posts won’t pop into the chat until repeated visits to the same chat.
Isn’t this just the “natural renewal” that’s normal, except with human development in the way? There weren’t scientists around 10,000 years ago to start controlled burns that we claim mimics a natural cycle.
See also: the complaints from spouses/partners that learn about the “drop in” feature, and how often their partner has been listening to home activity while away from home.
Time to run amok in the Graphics department that insisted they needed Macs.
This all day long. Or if you have children. Not enough people have life insurance.
Rigid + simplistic + expensive only works if it’s near perfect 100% of the time. They need to clean this up quickly.
Not even remotely the same as Weinstein, Moore, Cosby, etc., and to suggest as much is insulting to their victims.
I had this problem with a 2007 Mustang. Where was the water coming in on the 2015?
Yet the idea that any number of extraterrestrial beings (at a greater level of evolutionary/technological advancement) may have visted Earth is too much to admit.
Bureau of Land Management