Beat Doctor

The Run the Jewels collab was pretty fantastic. Excited to hear the rest.

I have met the occasional person who doesn't like music, and you're right, it does strike me as kind of weird. Then again, I'm someone who literally has thousands of hours of music in my collection, and there are a lot of people (probably even some music fans) who would find THAT a little odd.

Didn't say I put any stock in it. But it's something he's brought up multiple times when I used to listen to Mike & Mike.

I agree. But in my experience, the average sports fan is much more likely take that pointless hostility as a serious affront and get butthurt about it, because sporting events are not a fictitious construct. I just find it interesting that people inside the sports bubble (large as it is) find it so incomprehensible

If people are allowed to make fun of the millions who dress up as 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek' and comic book characters and attend conventions (and bring large infusions of money to local economies all over the country in the process), I see no reason why people can't make fun of the millions who burst into tears

I think he figured out what was going down when FrankenMountain stopped him from leaving.

It can be both things, I think. Here's the opening crawl from the original:

I will definitely say that Tywin's rationalization about whether it's better to kill thousands of men in battle or a handful at dinner struck me as particularly poignant.

I'm just saying, 98% of movies are somehow able to fill in the backstory without a giant block of text as the opening scene.

I would say he was ruthless and practical before I'd say he was sociopathic.

I think it was the mark specifically that allowed them to actually go down there without getting blown up like the wights who tried to chase them in S4.

Chipped ham.

Not as good as the greatest of all blues names: Magic Slim & the Teardrops.

Is Roose Bolton a sociopath? I suppose he does act with a "lack of conscience" and he's a bit antisocial, but by the strict definition, there are a looooootta sociopaths on GoT.

True dat. "Forget the bloody gods" probably didn't sit too well with the HS.

GOOD. No offense, and I love me some 'Star Wars,' but the crawl is straight-up lazy storytelling, plain and simple. "Here's a bunch of backstory that we didn't feel like fleshing out in the script, even though it would probably only add like 5 minutes of screentime…"

Well, Queen Cersei could certainly bring it back now. I'm actually wondering what will happen with religion in Westeros after last night's fantasy equivalent of someone blowing up the Vatican. Will Melisandre make it to King's Landing and start working her dark-magic shadow-baby sh*t with Cersei? Convert her to the

I'd think, as paranoid as she's become, she wouldn't want ANY new faces around.

Well, I was referring to Sansa, but that too.

But why did everyone have to stay??