Beat Doctor

I'm with HouseofHouseStark — once you are a Faceless Man, you are "no one." "No one" cannot, by definition, be important. I doubt there even is a "high priest" of the Faceless Men.

SERIOUS QUESTION: If you kill a Wight, can the Walkers just gesture at him and bring him back to life a second time? I'm legitimately asking. I realize that the vast majority of fresh Wights were Wildlings who had just been killed, but the pan was too far away to see if any of the initial attackers got back up as well.

"Jarring" was definitely the feeling I had when a Monster Shadow Assassin Stannis came out of Melisandre's vagina.

I presume because, like almost everywhere else in the kingdom, someone else is listening to the conversation. Most likely the Big Bad Nun.

This season has been accused of having a scattered focus, but to me, that IS the focus. Everyone's ships are unmoored and they're floating toward a future that's uncertain: the head of Westeros' most powerful family is dead, and his children are a f***ing mess… one of them is now advisor to the last Targaryen, now

You were definitely right - apparently he's just sitting in his room brooding now. =)

I was totally waiting for the Walker King to freeze all that water and stop the boats, especially once he raised his hands up.

I believe the Children of the Forest helped men build The Wall.

Once he finds out Mommy's in jail too, I expect his next tantrum to be fairly epic and bloody.

Not much to it, really. If he doesn't find a way to stick with Jorah, he's gettin' his dick chopped off. Surprise attack on an unarmed slaver isn't much of a stretch to keep yourself in one piece.

If her scheming went south before, she had her father and/or husband to devise a better one and bail her out. She's flying without a net now, and she's not as acrobatic a schemer as dear ol' Dad.

Once again, GoT has me saying something I never would have thought to say otherwise: "Damn, that's one big-ass nun."

For the most part, yes, yes they were. Glad to see you agree.

I'd argue that "De La Soul is Dead" did the cementing. That album will always be a classic, but doesn't change the fact that it's like 35% skits.

I had a female friend in high school who was waaaaay into women's lib: this was hands-down her favorite song. It has the power to unite through rampant, cartoonish misogyny!

Let's talk about dem shits, yo.

There sure was — "No Limit Top Dogg" — UNLISTENABLE outside of "Doin' Too Much."

Aww, c'mon. The WBLZ voiceovers are great.

It probably speaks to the real-world difficulty of Walder-Costeau only being able to swing a sword with one hand. If he really is right-handed, they'd HAVE to dumb down the choreography so he doesn't actually get hurt. Same for his stunt double, probably: I bet there aren't too many ambidextrous stunt swordsmen out

I disagree. We watched 5-10 seconds of Cersei actually being raped onscreen. We only hear Sansa's, and see Reek's reaction, and in all honesty I think it's Sansa's offscreen cries that really push things too far. I know it's not a remotely fair comparison, but I had the same sinking, queasy feeling in my gut when