Beat Doctor

I saw someone comment elsewhere that Ramsay forced him to identify as Theon at the wedding, presumably because it would upset Sansa…? Or maybe he just did it, and Ramsay's choice of punishment was to make him watch…? I wasn't sure what exactly to make of that. I have to believe that if Ramsay didn't order him to do

It just seemed like the fight choreographer had to "dumb things down" because Jaime is fighting with one hand, rather than emphasizing what SHOULD be his vast experience as a swordfighter, using tricks and tactics to make up for the loss of his sword hand. It was hard to tell if him "catching" the Dornish rider's

I'm torn between the people arguing that scenes like this give more of a true-to-life picture of what medieval societies were probably like for women, and those arguing that "We f***ing get it already, women have it shitty and their wedding night almost always involves some degree of sexual assault." I think this

I definitely strained a hammy navigating said drop-off. Very steep indeed.

He doesn't hold a candle to the Old Dirt Dog. (see "Dog Sh*t" and almost any reference to women on "Return to the 36 Chambers"). Although I will grant that ODB's misogyny seems to come from a more comedic place.

Because "Winged Reptile Train" sounds kind of terrifying…?

The choreography during the Sand Snakes/Bronn-Jaime fight was atrocious. I don't know how these fights appear on the page, but if it was any more obvious that Jaime's opponent was pulling every punch, they'd be wearing sparring gloves. Jaime should have lost that fight about six different times.

Dinosaur Train & Peg + Cat are pretty good, if for no other reason than they get my 2-year-old son away from "Thomas & Friends," which should just be renamed "The Island of Trains That Don't Listen to Anyone and Regard Good, Sound Advice Like You Would a Rabid Wolverine Wearing an 'I Have MRSA' Shirt."

Hopefully he enters a parallel universe and meets Vern Schillinger. And then he pronounces it "Shillinjer."

True dat.

Rollie Fingers. I don't even remember which one that was, though.

Over the course of their history, I think Ghost has proven himself to be the most consistently excellent member, and I don't think it's any accident that his last two records, "12 Reasons" and the "Sour Soul" record, both utilize the baroque soul that made the Wu so fantastic in the first place.

No way, I think "Killah Hills 10304" is some of GZA's best lyrical work, in spite of the relatively elementary beat: "Like my man Muhammad from Afghanistan/Grew up in Iran/The n*gga runs a neighborhood newstand/A wild Middle Eastern bomb specialist/Initiated at age 11 to be a terrorist/He stick bombs in bottles of

"All you n*ggas put yo' d*cks together/And all you b*tches put yo' slots together" is one of the greatest nonsense lines in all of hip-hop.

I think I like your "Hello Wu Kitty" avatar almost as much as that track.

Yeeeeah, this is the world's smallest violin, playing just for New York, Chicago, LA and San Fran.

"Many pilot characters this year were listed as open to all ethnicities, but when reps would call to inquire about an actor submission, they frequently have been told that only non-Caucasian actors would be considered." — Dear White Hollywood, welcome to Like the Last Four to Six Decades For Non-White Hollywood. Kinda

You think these guys have it hard? My band's favorite Bob Dylan cover starts with the line "I married Isis on the fifth day of May."

Roots Manuva — underrated MC.

Too much of his material, at least to my ears, falls into the category of "just talking." There's not much of an attempt to rap rhythmically. Things rhyme, and that's about it, certainly on "Let's Push Things Forward" and "Geezers Need Excitement." Aussie rapper Scott Burns is the type of foreign-accented rapper that