Beat Doctor

Too much of his material, at least to my ears, falls into the category of "just talking." There's not much of an attempt to rap rhythmically. Things rhyme, and that's about it, certainly on "Let's Push Things Forward" and "Geezers Need Excitement." Aussie rapper Scott Burns is the type of foreign-accented rapper that

Really, the person who made out the best in this season was the corrupt cop who shot Precious. He got a cool million, and the bratty little shit whose thumb he was under is dead!

At the very end, was anyone else expecting Elsa to start singing, the audience to start booing, and then Papa Legba standing up and giving a hearty laugh? Now THAT would've been a great ending. This was just… OK.

Lootpack is the West-Coast Group Home: great producer (Primo), just the worst MCs (Melachi the Nutcracker is just the most awful MC name ever)

I presume you're talking about the man and not the album, since "Black Moses" is like 75 percent cover songs.

It's hard to imagine that a reference to "truly abysmal scatting" in a paragraph that includes Dave Matthews is somehow not ABOUT Dave Matthews. The mind boggles.

I liked DMB a lot until I had a steady girlfriend. That's the best way I can describe my relationship to the music. A lot of Dave lyrics can be reduced to the phrase "high-school love-note poetry." "Warehouse" is a great song that still holds up very well, and when things get a little less raucous — "Pay For What You

The Lobster Shocker. Or, perhaps, the Shocking Lobster??

And props to YOU on THAT one!

In the final scene of the episode, there's no concrete indication that Mat Fraser's character is dead. Ethel only says, "They're with Paul." That's fairly open-ended.

She's probably like a lot of the other people who have turned up on the show: she's a big fan and really wanted to do it.

She's just being practical at this point. She's obviously not down with Stan the Man's plan, and if Jimmy can help her get safely out of town, I imagine she'd have no qualms about ditching him at the first opportunity.

RC Cola is a crappy, cheap soda today. In the 1950s, it was the first soda to be sold in an aluminum can. And that didn't happen until 1954, so it actually makes perfect sense that the impossibly-rich Mott family would be able to get its hands on "the latest thing" a couple years before it's sold to the public. Props

I finally placed Mordrake's accent — MAID MARIAN FROM 'ROBIN HOOD: MEN IN TIGHTS' I figured it out between episodes, and anytime he spoke in "Pt. 2," all I could hear was "Oh, Robin… I'm so HEPPAY!"

There've been plenty of logic leaps already, but I kind of hope it doesn't. Probably futile, but I was left so gawddamn frustrated by "The Strain" that I'm really pulling for some coherence!

I could feel this season starting to descend into Plot Hell about midway through this episode for some reason.

Question: Will Elsa turn her "freakish" quality into another way to stroke her ego? I can see her making an elaborate show — DURING the actual show — of revealing it and trying to one-up Dot/Bette, surprising all the other freaks and (probably) leading to some "Coven"-style jealousy and literal backstabbing?

….the kids and the "babysitter" are alive…? That's all I can come up with.

Well put.

If you wanna see the moral unraveling of cartoon society, just Google ANY female cartoon character and ANY part of the female anatomy. This ain't that, Cartoon Network.