Beat Doctor

I was actually hoping for a small bit of humor there to break that scene up, with Dandy wrenching the mask off like, "Jesus, that stinks!"

To be fair, was she supposed to know that the intellectually-disabled nightmare clown that just disemboweled her boyfriend LIVED in those woods? When it's time to run, it's time to run, son.

Camel Clutch is the only fitting punishment.

He got chased out by the dwarves in 1943, according to what he told Mordrake. This season is taking place eight or nine years later (1952, I think?). I feel like the show meant to convey that he slowly piled up rejection after rejection, ultimately leading to Jimmy's dismissal of him outside the freak show, and that

True dat. However, think of how much more effective that scene would have been if it was Desiree and Dell. Granted, Dell wouldn't take her there, so maybe just Desiree… Jack trails her there and joins her, with Dell taking notice while hanging bills.

When you have an actual black person on the show (three titties or not), it's pretty hamfisted to send the freaks to a lunch counter and have them attempt to get served. I was worried that there would be some early-civil-rights-movement stuff shoe-horned into the plot. There it was. I would much rather see the

So Twisty is an unfortunate victim of… (dramatic pause) THE GUM DISEASE GINGIVITIS! (DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNNNNN!)

I'm sad to see him go, if only because I was hoping for an interrogation scene where he tried to convince the cops he had nothing to do with it by only saying "meep." Plus his biting-the-heads-off-live-birds act was one of the more genuinely-disturbing images this season has put forth so far.

If Chiklis is the temper-tantrum strongman the rumors suggest, who exactly is going to kick him out?

Yes. It was impossible to figure out what the hell anyone was saying in the early scene at the diner.

Appalachian, yes. Pre-"yinzer," I'm not so sure. I'm gonna say southeastern Ohio.

Murphy overplayed Twisty's scariness in the interviews. He was creepy, for sure, but not the heart-stopping creation he claimed. Maybe I'll feel differently down the line. My only other criticism is that the soundtrack seemed to be constantly interfering with the dialogue. The early scene where Elsa's in the diner? I

My biggest hope? The showrunners will use the S1 finale showdown with The Master to improve his makeup. I'm looking forward to a severely-burnt, mangled-looking Master that's maybe actually scary. Then again, with what the Professor mentioned about strigoi skin healing rapidly, I'm probably hoping in vain.

Some of the stuff that works in a graphic novel just doesn't work in real life. Dialogue in particular, that sounds all hard-boiled and noir-y on the page can come across as superstiff and stilted when it's a real person saying it. "Sin City" managed to avoid this by going way over-the-top with its characters. That

Even if you're getting paid twice!

I thought we were going to get one more Master scene to finish out the season. A quick look at the damage done by the sunlight.

But wait, you can't go to a regular pharmacy, 'cause it's the vampire apocalypse. Or maybe you can. It's hard to tell. All I know for sure is, the same woman keeps getting attacked about 50 feet off-screen. She screams a lot. Like, every time someone opens a door to the outside world.

Nice — that's one of my favorite short-lived Dead tunes, along with "Mr. Charlie."

Strigoi Strike Team around these parts. Mr. Quinlan is the Vamp Vic Mackey.

Not having read the books, I'm hoping next season basically does just that, as one of the major subplots.