Beat Doctor

Can I presume "lucelucy" is a Dead reference?

It's certainly possible. There are quiet a few mumbled lines that I know I've missed or misheard.

Having watched it again, the guy who delivers cash to Creem is in fact wearing a necktie. Still, though, I wanna know who hired him to ship a crate of vampires, and to where.

Is Josh Brolin doing a George Clooney impression? When I looked up and saw it wasn't Clooney, I did a double take.

I think Eichhorst just called it "Sardu's Sword." The Master inhabits the body of a former Polish nobleman afflicted with gigantism, named Jusuf Sardu.

Seriously — they couldn't just find a 40-year-old Armenian to play middle-aged Setrakian? Maybe one who doesn't have an atrocious fake accent??

"That was plastic pellets; rat-shot. What you need concern yourself with is what's in the chamber now: a silver-jacketed hollowpoint of my own design, filled with tiny silver slivers that will worm their way toward what vital organs you have left, burning all the way." — Brother Mouzone: Vampire Hunter

If I could upvote this twice, I would.

Eichhorst is one nattily-dressed motherf'r. He's not going to be seen around town with a bunch of poorly-clothed bums!

On the other hand, WHO THE F*** IS SHIPPING STRIGOI AROUND THE WORLD, AND HOW DID THEY GET THE NATION OF ISLAM TO HELP OUT?!?? Maybe I'm being overly stereotypical in my thinking here, but the bowtie and Creem calling the guy "my brother"…? Now I need to go get a Brother Mouzone fix….

I've come to the realization that Gus's role on "The Strain" is to show us what Eph SHOULD be. Gus has dealt with every strigoi-related scenario — acceptance that these are monsters, releasing loved ones if necessary, reacting the way a HUMAN BEING would react to some of these awful things — better than Eph. It would

Again, though, he manages to say the wrong thing. "It had to be done"? We all know that, Nora included. I think those two could've had a needed human moment if Setrakian had simply said, "That is where the heart in the jar is from. My wife, Miriam."

I presume all the CGI is done in post-production. There's no reason why they couldn't have gone back and done a little more detail work on the Master. I don't know anything about the CGI process, but I gotta believe they could make a couple minor facial tweaks in the two weeks between Master appearances.

Also, given the scientific aspects of the disease — and if these bloodworms really ARE parasites — after hitting the floor, they should be on the move looking for another host. One of the [many] things the show has never explained is how long the worms live outside a host body. Can they cover enough ground to get into

Was there a bigger telegraph than the loooooong shot of Eph handing him the keys? I WONDER IF HE'S GOING TO USE THOSE AT SOME POINT IN THE NEAR FUTURE???????? The only thing missing was the 'DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNNNNN' music.

That's a good comparison — I think he looked better in this episode than in his introduction, but the downturned lips are really a bad touch.

Upvote partially for the comment, partially for the handle. #BriscoeAintDead

Gus hasn't added much to the story just yet, but I also would have groaned out loud if another "random convenience-store encounter" ended up adding him to the group. I think the show is presenting him as one of the few people who isn't just succumbing to panic and looter-fever and deciding — especially now that he has

The only proper response would be for Gus to rip The Hair off.

When Mr. Fitzwilliam told Fet and Dutch to turn around, my mind had wandered to the point where I would've been okay if he'd revealed himself as Curtis from CTU: "Jack Bauer is on his way" Fet: "Tell him to bring seelver boolets."