Beat Doctor

'Elizalde' is a Basque surname, direct from Spain. That really doesn't advance the argument, or the joke, though.

Seems like the Master's really into draining people not just of blood, but also of hope and faith: he crushes a young Setrakian's hands, presumably he turned whoever's heart is in Setrakian's jar. I don't think he views Eph as "The One," but just as one of the few who's actively killing strigoi and needs dealt with.

"IT'S MEGA-MAID! SHE'S GONE FROM SUCK TO BLOW!" Sorry, I couldn't get that out of my head after reading your comment.

I'm trying to understand the mechanics of how you become a certain type of strigoi. If you are attacked, you become a low-level drone. When Eichorst is turned, a worm climbs in. I'm sure it's significant that it's a worm from The Master, but does that mean Kelly, Jim and Felix were also on the "Chosen" path? Kelly is

I really liked Monty's response to Eleanor's request that her ashes be buried under a certain tree. Just a weird glance and "Okey dokie." That cracked me up.

Not to mention, didn't they say your nose AND ears fall off? And the Master's ears look like they got bigger. The profile shots were legitimately creepy, especially because they made his eyes seem like they were just really intensely orange as opposed to glowing. If they had CGI'd it so that worms were constantly

I don't know what I was expecting The Master to look like, but not that. Compared to the grimy realism of the lower-level strigoi, he looked pretty fake. I guess when you're higher up the vamp food chain, though, you remember to wipe the blood off your chin.

How timely of you. Understood, but with Eleanor's description of him, i thought maybe I missed a hint that he'd gone further than that.

It looks like working for Eleanor is really taking a toll on Cesar. He's always had a sort of world-weary look, but he seemed really run-down in this episode.

I'm almost 100% sure Grocery-Store Mystery Man and CIA Mystery Man aren't the same person. Wasn't Grocery-Store Mystery Man played by Timothy "That's My Bush" Bottoms?

I agree. I saw no reason for the Chopper character to exist at all. That could just as easily have been one of Fausto's regular minions. He certainly didn't live up to Eleanor's "demon" characterization.

Aside from the brief groping in the pre-title sequence, did I miss a bigger cue indicating that Sonya was sexually assaulted by The Chopper? When Eleanor said he was "a demon," I was expecting more than some musings on death and a willingness to let her try to "escape." For what I assume is a professional hitman, he

Wha… tha… fa… are you talking about? I trust no reviewer who claims that "Champion Sound" was "unredeemable." Not to mention Guilty and DOOM were on the map long before hooking up with Madlib. Album gets a B+, review gets an F- with a note to put in some more study time.