
If bike makers lowered their prices a bit, they could get the counterfeit market (or part of it). I believe the markups are just too high. Lots of riders can not afford a >1000 dollar bike.

My dad in law is an avid cycler, and seeing as he is great shape, I wanted to join him until I realized that his bike cost upwards of 7000 dollars. My car is not that expensive.

I think if someone is too lazy to have an affair the old fashioned way, they deserve to be outed.

Oh you horrible being ;)

Most of us have destroyed our porn stashes and just rely on you.

We shall call you a grammar nazi. But, you are correct adverbs are misused, it is not an issue when it is a garden variety commentator like me. It is a big one when it is a paid ‘journalist’.

Uhm do not tell us how not complain!!

I hope one day fate brings you to the DMV area and you have to use one of the airports.

It always has been couple of years away ever since I was a kid... the physics of fusion have always been difficult. I love technology but, I will shave my eyebrows if we have working fusion in the next 5 years.

I can tell you that, Russian subs or Chinese or ours do not have to leave port to launch their SLBMs, in a real war as long as the Barents and Sea of Okhotsk is on lockdown they can launch. The idea that they have to be in Mid-Atlantic to launch is patently false. But all in all in nuclear war between the big 3

Russian subs actually do not need to leave the dock to launch anything. Most of the SLBMs ours and theirs can travel for tens of thousands of miles.

I do not know you, but, I like you...

Politicians run our military, you can not removal political decisions from military strategy unfortunately we do not make decisions in a vacuum. My complaint about this weapon is the cost added to an already expensive jet, developing a new weapon system that can not be possibly be use.

I still insist that the use of such a weapon while strategically sensible is a race to the bottom. The moment we use it it opens a pandora’s box, what will stop China, India, Russia etc from using it under the justification of ‘ The US used it too’. Also, the countries that can really threaten us at home (Russia and

Those lesser powers can be defeated without a nuke (you hilariously call it a smart weapon), therefore... this tactical nuke in the face of other weapons we have is a waste of money.

You have not answered me, where are we going to use the weapon? On Russia, on China? No! they have the big stick too. We defeat other countries without a tactical nuke therefore, having a weapon that is costly and will not be used (we have other nukes already) is a waste of money.

This is another fleecing of the taxpayers... I do not think there is any hardened target worth the radioactivity and the moral outfall.

Please tell me where you are going to use a nuclear weapon. Maybe on a lesser power without the capacity to retaliate. Are you going to use it on Russia? No, are you going to use it on China? No. Then this is just a waste of money as it is.

The question was more open ended than a statement of fact... It ended with a question mark. If it had said... ‘The Soviets build a better... Than We Did ’ then your response would have been warranted.

The Soviet Energia-Buran system did have some real technical advantages over the NASA Space Shuttle program. But, NASA did manage to do a hell of a lot more with their program, like, you know, actually going to space and doing interesting things.