The Snowman

The owners can’t help it, their natural body movement is to sign documents screwing people out of money.

The real story is that they didn’t fine some of the Eagles players like Carson Wentz and Zach Ertz for wearing cleats with Bible verses that aren’t tied to any particular charity or foundation.

If you hold down the alt key and type 0176 on the number pad on your keyboard, you will get the ° symbol. This will keep you from having to use an asterisk in when talking about degrees. 

Reaching the quarterfinals in the World Cup?

Not true. Instead of using the garbage can, they keep sweeping everything under the rug.

Poor doggo.

Gotta say, if the teens are all gonna start standing perfectly still and making zero noise, I may soon reverse my “all teens are bad teens” position. Maybe.

“I looked around the room and everyone had their heads down. And I said no.”


The U very much is not an LDS school.


This is what happens when you bend over backwards to protect rapists.

Well, kids - this is how crossovers are made.


Says “words have meanings”... calls them “’metal’ of honor winners”

less weird than how trump ends up on third

But Pitino is still allowed to sign the cleavage of Hooters waitresses, right?

Interesting how Baylor’s treatment of their Title IX coordinator, “what a greedy little attention-seeker” is so similar to how people tend to treat women who claim they’ve been raped by Baylor athletes.