Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

Even after its basically been proven to be promoted by Russian bots too. Their levels of stupidity would be hilarious if it wasn’t so fucking dangerous in its influence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and the right to crank one out without seeing no fucking weirdos.

You mean the people who want to tell everyone else how to live their lives are… Crazy?

30 bucks says 50% of them are the Menendez Trump Brothers, 25% are Curt Shilling and the other 25% are from my dad.

She gets to have all the fun.

Skull fucked to death by a gang white nationalists who discover he’s 25% black.

Over under on how long FOX waits to blame this on Obama?

Totally unrelated…

exactly. typical confirmation bias, reading it and thinkings its a positive aspect of the city.

Of course Houston is a shithole. Even the “diversity” he’s referring to is bollocks. Sure, its one of the most diverse cities in America.

That study he’s referencing can basically make that claim because Houston is the first major city that’s not a majority white. But that study is paid for by 2 Texas based firms…

lol Jesus. Will you dumb ass Texans shut up about that Houston being the “Most Diverse City in America” study?

Albert here is a “gay” “independent” and I’m the fucking “Queen” of “England.”

lol what is this garbage?

Ad hominem. Nice. When you can’t defend your actions, why not project your shortcomings?

Depends. On 1/ how involved he is with Trump’s overture’s to Russia and why he lied about meeting with representatives of Moscow (he brought Carter Page into the campaign, so he is/was probably pretty involved) 2/ How involved he was with fundraising and Trump’s campaign finances 3/ How involved he was with getting

Who are you to say they aren’t?

hot take Boris.