
Judging by the comments, it might be a good time for Gizmodo to revisit the best hosting sites out there. Seems relevant.

Abusive use of motion filters. He's clearly trying to palm a drive that clearly trying to take him out.

@Iain Michie: It was less about Bing and more about the way it was implemented. It's also ironic that Google search isn't allowed on what is essentially a Google phone.

@talkingstove: Sure the industry has adopted Android because iOS isn't being licensed.

They're covering a news-worthy event (in tech-blog world) so they have every right to cover it in the best way they can. #journalistrights

@Preyfar: Apple has a loyal, and somewhat, rabid fanbase. Add to it the fact that they only release a limited line of products—which are easy to keep up with.

You are not going to get 4 hours of video from 8gb of memory. I don't' care what Sony says. That 12mp camera does make this thing interesting though. Curious to see the UI.

@oaba09: Well, I'd opt for a great media player with nice video/photo capabilities over one that didn't have it.

@chefgon: You're running under the assumption that people don't want higher resolution cameras. Convenience is number one but a better image is definitely no. 2. Because in hindsight, we always wish we had a better camera.

@kyre: I'm with you.

@am.junk: Actually the iPhone and Touch have remained relatively close in feature sets. Aside from the camera and phone, the Touch is an iPhone.

@tselliot: And this is what I'd like to know. I check the refurbs before I'll look at the new product pages.

Hopefully he gets a job offer or a nice check from Nike/Nintendo.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Considering that this is indeed still a consumer minded camera, it's more than appropriate. And last I checked, these features are not available on any other Canon camera. If they have the ability to implement it now, why wait to introduce it in the next cycle.

@Paolo.Lex: hahaha. There is all types of wrong in that story. But I'll say, that indian chief stayed with me for a long time. Him coming to life to avenge the death of the store keeper.

@Mammoth: Nah, the more fun features the better. It's no worse for wear if you choose to use it or not.

@Vanilla-Terror: eh, You need to look at some consumer-orientated offerings. DSLR's require a certain technical know-how. They have multiple focus points that are easily selectable and well... I'll just leave it at that.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Yeah I remember seeing this when I was younger and it creeped me out—this and the 'indian chief' and the hitchhiker.