Oh, man. I thought her engagement rumors were jokes.
Oh, man. I thought her engagement rumors were jokes.
Haha, I thought this photo was the big "Big Daddy" reveal and I was like he's....a 21-year-old ginger???
Give TSA a break. Have you guys seen the kittens hiding kittens vid??? You never know what's going on underneath!
If this is true, I actually find this incredibly romantic and incredibly revealing of Kate's personality. It's a rare girl that would be wooed by a setting like this and I'm all for it. No martinis or big TVs or glittering cityscapes for me either, just some privacy, some earthiness, and a bed with clean sheets!
I loooooove this astrologer. I've been following her for a couple of years. Her monthly predictions are fun and intuitive and so detailed. They're fun to read even if you don't believe they have any bearing in reality—they're full of questions so they're like little mini-therapies.
@Diziet_Sma: @YoullRueMcClanahanTheDay: What? I just think it's not a nice photo! Her eyes are closed. Why not show her smiling and looking at the camera?
Um my commenting is all crazy today, sorry.
Sorry sorry wonky commenting box.
Is Patti Smith the person depicted? Or is this poor lady just meant to stand in for all women writers?
"reacting" is not the same as "hate talking." When I react to negative comments about my family, I act cool and better than the taunter. That's how I roll.
I wonder if Ice T is ever just like, no, baby, I absolutely 100% am not spanking you tonight. I just want some missionary!
Jane Jakubczak, a registered dietician and nutritionist at the University of Maryland at College Park's health center, agrees. "Have your child lead the conversation," she suggests. "She will probably bring it up."
Jesus. Just reading this brings back waves of paranoia about visits home for holiday breaks.
@Pega Corn: I know, he really is a Charles. No Di genes for that boy.
I still feel bad for Kate Middleton. Here she's been getting hotter and hotter and more and more polite and well-behaved while her never-proposing-boyfriend has been quickly aging into a not very attractive high school health teacher. And then! Just when he reaches the apex of health teacher-ly aging! He proposes!…
@Hooplehead: ::: Hands over ears :::: I do not hear you saying this.
Everyone: please stop hating on this so I can continue reveling with absolute joy. No nay-saying! This is a good thing!
@thebutton19: I mean, I politely but completely disagree. ;)
@thebutton19: You're fired.
I really need to share a vehement sense of racism in store with the "What Not To Wear" advertised new tonight...basically looks like "let's make fun of young black women and talk about how they dress like prostitutes!!"