
This comment is just like a video Game

Everybody hears “tracking” and thinks that they’re Jason Bourne.  I don’t mind a little tracking if it results in me seeing content that’s more relevant to me and my interests.

Start by turning on subtracts?

Yeah, I gave up on that fight years ago, I now prefer having ads (where I can’t block them) of things I’d be interested in than shit I’m not.

Ignore him. He has an irrational hard-on for Tesla over at Jalopnik. It would be cute in a grade school playground if it wasn’t so sad in real life.

You’re angry enough about Tesla to have your name be about Tesla. Time to evaluate where you are at in life. 

Thanks for this comment! I’m a huge fan of the movies, and I like many of the actresses in other roles, too. But that’s neither here nor there with regard to the charity video. They tried to do some good, and it probably didn’t pan out as well as they hoped it would. This is no reason at all to be snarky and gloating

Yup - and I imagine it would be tough to market when it’s basically just a song, not a full-on concert.

Conversions online are notoriously tricky!  The truth is most charity things attached to big celebrities - take a big gala evening - the donors are getting a LOT for their money.  They get to rub elbows with the celebrities, network with other donors, get their photograph in the glossy mags, experience a beautiful

So, they raised $5,000 for UNICEF and that’s a bad thing? What did UNICEF do to you? Yes, many people are hurting all around the world. And you’re harshing on folks who tried to do something? Why? What does this article gain? Their next charity attempt may be more successful. Or, maybe they’ll be too cowed from doing

I suspect the *biggest* issue was a total failure of marketing* - nobody donated because nobody watched it because nobody knew about it because whoever was meant to spread the word either forgot or was bad at it.

Yeah, definitely! When I worked in marketing at a college everyone interviewing for ANY position always thought the answer to asking for donations was “we’ll post something to social media!” (honestly thinking they were very clever 23 year olds teaching us slightly older people a think or two about Instagram lol)

Totally jealous.  If I could pick one instrument to go back and make young me learn, it would be fiddle.  

Girl, everybody enjoyed Pitch Perfect. Those sequels though... 

It also was just kinda a silly thing to claim this indicates that celebrity endorsements don’t work or something. Lol... they definitely work most of the time.

I think there’s a good chance they only made $5,000 because 30 million people have lost their jobs and health insurance and probably don’t have any money to spare right now. 

That’s what they do, that’s their job. Unless it’s a Beyonce.

Snarking on folks raising money for a children’s charity interesting choice for the tone of an article.

Joan also managed to snark UNICEF in that very special way only Joan can. 

It’s too bad they couldn’t have figured out a way to have each viewer contribute $1 or something to increase the amount. But aside from that, yeah. I’m not sure why deriding their charity raising efforts of recording a 1 song music video to raise funds for kids affected by tragedy globally is the leading dirt bag