
It’s not happening. You’re imagining a correlation.

I’m confused as to why this is surprising...

What’s the issue here? It’s displaying info that was already available to Google via Gmail, it’s not like it’s keeping track of purchases that never touch the Google ecosystem.

Welp, I live in San Francisco, consider my self liberal and I’m shocked by how far to the left Warren is going.

So Ted Cruz (and, I assume, his Republican colleagues) is supporting the regulation and break-up of tech companies...for the wrong reasons. Wonderful. Facebook is influencing our elections and Amazon isn’t paying taxes but the real problem is that Twitter kicked Alex Jones off its platform. That’s the REAL threat.

Idon’t really understand the race to stop people from doing something they choose to do. Nothing is free. If you want to use a service amd the price is selling your information to whomever the company “trusted third party” decodes them why is it the government’s job to regulate it. My god, when did personal responsibil

Here's a thought you morons...more people are ripped off and pissed off by robo-calls and all those annoying calls even when we have a block on our phones...I get 40 to 50+ a day on my cell phone.....FIX THAT YOU IDIOTS

Can I break up my huge corporation into a few shell companies and get under the 100 million bar?

Overall, I think this seems like a good idea, but I’m concerned by some of the provisions. Barring them from blocking access if you don’t agree to their terms, for instance. What else are they supposed to do? If you don’t agree to their privacy policy they legally cannot allow you to view the site, and they’re under

Nope! Nope nope nope. This is outside the realms of the federal government's control, it's ambiguously worded, sounds tough to enforce, and just adds more control to the federal government. Most likely unconstitutional too. Never trust a bill that's bipartisan. That just means it's double-fuckery. Count me out.

So, last I checked, attempted blackmail and extortion were still crimes.

Donald Trump uses his connections with the National Enquirer to blackmail the owner of a Newspaper he hates: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Hillary Clinton runs an international pedophile ring out of the basement of a pizza shop and assassinates her enemies: Totally reasonable, no sign of derangement here!

You’re missing the point completely Sparky. The National Enquirer could not stop Jeff Bezos from expressing his opinion, so they threatened to release compromising information until he agreed to their demands.

How does this dumb comment have two likes? You know very well that he meant that he didn’t order it from the restaurant.

First of all, I didn’t “write in to (the) column,” I commented on it.

The entire tipping system (in the US) is stupid, because tips are based on an arbitrary standard: percentage of the cost of the items ordered.

I tip pre-tax. Sorry, I didn’t order “tax”. I tip on good and services I chose and paid for. Tax in my town is about 12%, which is not inconsequential. It’s a combination of state tax and local taxes specifically on dining out. Now, I do tip well, usually 18-20%+, but it’s going to be based on pre-tax. I consider

Seems like she’s going for The Asshole Waitress.

Righr? I thought this was the salty waitress, not the bitchy waitress.

So true. Sometimes it looks like the only people reading this column are the ones who don’t need to, because the answer to every question ever is either “25% you cheapskate!", or “the greater one, you miser!”