
People think Tesla is going to save the world.

Heck, we love a rich guy so much we put a racist buffoonish unqualified fraudulent urine fetishist in charge of the country because of his wealth.   

Queue all the musk fanbois in 3...2..1...

Musk unveiling his latest project:

He’s a new age Howard Hughes, only with half the brilliance and twice the asshole.

It’s because he’s rich and Americans fucking LOVE a rich guy.

I can’t decide if Musk is a narcissist, psychopath or a complete twat.

It actually just sounds a lot like the truth. Too bad it’s so inhuman it sounds inflammatory. 

But he calls you a sensitive snowflake, right?

Trump supporters have the THINNEST fucking skin of anyone I have ever dealt with. I have to walk on eggshells around my redneck brother so he doesn’t throw a fucking tantrum because I ever-so-slightly challenged his ignorant fucking beliefs...


Try another cake shop?

Only if an Uber ride is considered a public accommodation. Given that Uber drivers are contractors, it is their personal car, and the like, it is not self-evident that this is a public accommodation.

Nope — That’s “belonging to or supporting a political party”; It says nothing of supporting a specific piece of shit politician. After all, they serve Republicans every minute of every day, happily. But someone wearing inflammatory merchandise from a racist liar suspected of betraying America?

Looked it up: D.C. bans discrimination based on, “the state of belonging to or endorsing any political party.

So maybe the black guy with the MAGA hat should try to hail a cab then, see if he gets any takers

(who the fuck calls company policy “law”).

If they would allow me to get 3 tickets to single showing - I’d sign up in a heartbeat. Not only that my friends would as well. Without that - well meh - still debating over MoviePass and convincing friends of going to the $6 matinee at a non-AMC theater.  We see fewer movies this way, and spend less on concessions -

I’ve fucking never gone to a movie by myself. Once every blue fuckidy moon I’ll eat at a restaurant or grab a beer by myself at a bar or something.

I wait for that shit on dvd or blueray and with food I’ll drive thru and go home.

If I’m getting my car worked on I’ll spend all day at the closest walk to restaurant or

Its insane that they’ll give me 12 movies a month, BUT won’t allow me to get two tickets for a single showing. Which is how most folks purchase movie tickets. (in twos).