
The “Consumer Watchdog” is... interesting. Do a little digging into its astroturfing past

Be grateful you don’t have *wrong* foot issues!

More than a year later, thought I’d weigh in:
I just binged the whole first season on... Netflix. Haven’t yet started watching the second season. I knew there was a massive twist and I think even suspected that the Good Place was the Bad Place... and yet, I had no idea that Michael was in on it, and the ending totally

You can rest easier. Neither Google, Amazon, or FB work in the way you’ve described. It’s impractical from many, many perspectives.

This. So much this.

Have you considered temporary tracking?

Dozens of comments, with most rightly noting that tipping is a terrible practice and that in the U.S. and other places service workers are paid crappy wages... BUT NOT A WORD ON HOW TO FIX THIS SYSTEMICALLY.