
As someone with an engineering degree (am I an engineer? debatable), engineers are dicks. One of my profs said something along the lines of “engineers are assholes because school is hard and you need to be pompous to not drop out”. So maybe it’s not our fault. Or maybe engineering just attracts that type of

I didn’t even realize it said Ron Burgundy until I read your comment. I saw the picture and thought Ron Jeremy. Article makes much more sense now that I know it’s referring to Burgundy.

Rob: Your writing is good stuff. NPOCP is good stuff. This article is good stuff.

Is your band a High on Fire tribute band?

I had to disable my adblocker in Chrome to see all the text in each post.

I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find someone else that thought this, such surprised me. Maybe I skimmed a little too quick, but this article struck me as pretty puffy. In dash 115V inverters aren’t new or uncommon.

There was possibly nothing wrong with those Fiero gauges, when they don’thave power to them they don’t stay at zero. My speedo floats up to 10km/hr and my tach up to 1500 rpm when the car is off. It’s a normal thing.

There’s a guy in my city who one of those, lifted, with big tires, and Tonka decals all over it.

They just pour them in.

Agreed. What did Mercedes paint those vans with, hopes and dreams? They all just bleed rust from every flat surface like they’ve been peppered with buckshot.

So it’s basically the econoline passenger van, without a sliding door?

From Saskatchewan, can confirm. Bought a motorcycle with a sticky note as a bill of sale.

No doubt, I think the comments on the last article about Ron imply the Jalopnik collective isn’t with David on this one. Let’s not play this story up as melodramatic tale about big government crushing the little man, the guy had 200 broken cars in a small lot and wouldn’t sell/scrap any, after numerous warnings and

So true. Before reaching for a wrench when working an XJ, think to yourself, is this a Chrysler part I’m working on, or AMC? Or perhaps GM? Only then will you know if you need metric or imperial.

I have an old OMC (former parent company of Lawn-Boy) 2 stroke mower with a muffler under the deck. It’s very loud, high rpm, and low torque. Maybe mine is just clapped out though.

Yo dawg, heard you like vans

You say that like the Riv is an ugly car. It’s not, that’s 90's soap bar styling done right. For done wrong, see the 3rd gen Taurus.

Damn, kinja’d.

I’d say the beige Camry is quickly starting to stand out. Silver is the new beige. See this image of an empty parking lot and some grass.

Your image hadn’t loaded by the time I’d read your post, so I was sitting in suspense waiting for evidence of the slack-jawedness of your former in-laws. I’d imagined mullets everywhere.