Cakes, Pies, Lies

Why? Because they are all even worse, and if Pumpkin Spice Berlusconi doesn’t back off he will draw attention to their bunga bunga parties. 

Eta: This is the most recent groping I have experienced.

Worth it. Do it. Read “Devil in the White City” too, or reread it if you have.

My neighbor has a Dr. Bud sign in her front yard. I give her the side eye because this guy is a Big Time Small Town Dick, and that is a well known local fact.

All of the yes. You have beatifully described the feeling I have had all week. I’m ready to take the gloves off and get dirty. Sign me up for the revolution. xoxo

OREGON WTF. We are better than this! *stares hot lasers at neighbor’s Bud Pierce sign*

God no, that doesn’t work. It just makes my whole house smell like hot funky sponge.

Shut the front door. People stand up to... what.... no. NOPE. Gonna pretend I didn’t read that.

((hugs)) right there with you. I stepped between my parents having a physical fight once, as a teen. My dad held me down and burned me with his cigarette and spit in my face. Then my mother made excuses for him. I couldn’t move out of that house fast enough.

You know that verbal abuse is still child abuse, right? Aggressive parents ARE abusive.

My drunk sister moved back in with my drunk parents and now her baby boy has become a drunk teenager. They just drink and smoke pot and beat each other up and scream all the time.

I’m so blasé about it. I finally ghosted them earlier this year because it is so sick and constant. My life is so much happier. 10/10 would

Me too, and I totally agree. Thank you for stating it so eloquently.

Yeah, let’s never ever talk about child abuse in the press because it might make someone feel bad. /s

If Brad Pitt really did this, people need to know the truth. People need to report child abuse, even when A-listers are doing it. The worst thing society can do for abused children is gloss over their abuser’s actions

Where the Red Fern Grows, and the end of AI. Pardon, gotta go cry now.

My first experience with this was at a church car wash. The adults brought antibacterial dish soap and made us kids wash cars for several hours. By the end, I had hives all the way up both arms and I couldn’t move my fingers. My fingertips and knuckles split open from the swelling and I had to wear bandages for weeks.

Shhhhh don’t say the B word. If you say it three times they show up in your kitchen, eat all your food, crap in the sink, festoon your walls with militia flags and then sue you for infringing on their second amendment rights.

Pregnancies too close together. No money for family planning or postpartum care = back to back pregnancies = increased risk of maternal mortality. This is a big issue in some parts of the world.

The risk of maternal mortality increases if pregnancies are too close together. If women aren’t getting family planning services during their postpartum care, this could lead to another pregnancy within weeks of delivery.

You can’t create a better world if you play by the same old crap rules.