Everyone. Collectively. TAXES. Good lord.
Everyone. Collectively. TAXES. Good lord.
Do you ever ask yourself how we pay for our astronomical military spending? Or how about all the money we spend on our prison system (which by the way continues to get “fed” from the cycle of poverty, which is partially fed by our shitty maternity leave). Why are Americans so fucking concerned/angry about money going…
People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.
ooohh yeah there it is
Or maybe these mothers (like the mothers of the dead children of Newtown, CT) are trying to change our sick world and know that working with lawmakers is a way to bring attention to their plight?
This “narrative” (hereafter referred to as “the fact of the matter”) is confirmed by this exact link. Maybe you stopped reading right after the first sentence here:
“In broad trends, the data show that men are more likely to experience name-calling and embarrassment, while young women are particularly vulnerable to…
I’d never be able to be a sister wife in that town simply because my hair won’t braid like that. :(
“Hey, I’ve never stabbed someone who rejected me! So it’s feminism’s fault that I can’t get laid on my own terms as often as I’d like.”
Rot in jail, you fucking useless filth.
My heart dropped towards the end.
If someone is out there raping people then the company should know so they can investigate and make sure they aren’t driving anymore if supported. Are you fucking serious?
I actually sort of buy their excuse for the “rape” search but that doesn’t explain the results for “assaulted.” No one is named “Johnassaulted Smith” or something.
Wouldn't she have died of dehydration first?
Get over yourself. I’m a Hillary supporter that plans on voting with the party.
So if you don’t want to get raped, don’t leave your house because there are rapists everywhere. But also, don’t be afraid of getting raped when you go out because that’s insulting to men
“The United States has such a fraught history with race”
Funny that white men can find some common ground with other white men who just happened to be attracted to white men, but women still aren’t people.
The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.
Lorde is a middle-aged man from Colorado. A geologist, I think.
We absolutely should acknowledge male survivors of rape and sexual assault, and the acknowledgement in itself is indeed not a dismissal of female victims. It is, however, far too often used that way by people who do not actually give a damn about any victims, male or female, but just want to shut women up. Both of…